Special Forces Sonya Up-player
Customs where in it from day 1. People who chose not to play it and got excited and waited until it was in ranked were limiting their own fun. It effected the very few number of players that actually competed properly and do well. Why do people in this community decide to act like their pros and limit their own fun by choice?
I understand liking ranked modes, and being happy that it was added to this game mode. But I know that so many players had never really touched custom before it was tournament legal, just because it wasn't tournament legal. Even if they were to just to play a casual set with someone online, they would stick to tournament legal variations even outside of ranked, while protesting that this game needs customs to stop it dying and be fun. Why? There are other game modes, customs is there, you chose not to use it. They made it available in one extra game mode with added restrictions. Thats nice. But customs wasn't new content. And the NRS get praised for doing something that should have been there from day 1, and it still didn't make the game fun, I was playing them from day 1 and still got bored. I just don't get it.
Shed some light, practically none of us who use this site are serious pro, successful tournament players. So if this is you, why did you care so much that they were made tournament legal? Did you refuse to touch (or barely touch other than to occasionally mess around) customs if you wanted it so bad? I'm curious.
Tldr: Making customs available in ranked, with more limits, added next to nothing to the average players experience. It was always there to play if you wanted it.
I understand liking ranked modes, and being happy that it was added to this game mode. But I know that so many players had never really touched custom before it was tournament legal, just because it wasn't tournament legal. Even if they were to just to play a casual set with someone online, they would stick to tournament legal variations even outside of ranked, while protesting that this game needs customs to stop it dying and be fun. Why? There are other game modes, customs is there, you chose not to use it. They made it available in one extra game mode with added restrictions. Thats nice. But customs wasn't new content. And the NRS get praised for doing something that should have been there from day 1, and it still didn't make the game fun, I was playing them from day 1 and still got bored. I just don't get it.
Shed some light, practically none of us who use this site are serious pro, successful tournament players. So if this is you, why did you care so much that they were made tournament legal? Did you refuse to touch (or barely touch other than to occasionally mess around) customs if you wanted it so bad? I'm curious.
Tldr: Making customs available in ranked, with more limits, added next to nothing to the average players experience. It was always there to play if you wanted it.