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Who will benefit most from the Boost?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Since the regularity of attemtping/dealing with the Toasty Boost will likely rise as time goes on, it makes me wonder who's gonna have the most to lose and/or gain from it.

IMO, I think the two characters above all others who would have the most to gain from a player who can consistently nail the setups down and give themselves more opportunities to get it are Cyrax and Quan Chi, for the simple fact that there are few characters more dangerous with a full bar than the two of them, save maybe Skarlet or Kenshi, and given the speed of Quan's uppercut, and the size of Cyrax's, they both have relatively easy means to fish for Fordens.
It's not the most advisable plan of attack, but over time it could definitely make for characters such as the two of them much dirtier than they already are. This whole TB phase is still in its infancy, so this could all prove to be for naught, but speculation never killed and cats, so let's speculate.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I'd say Kabal because of his B121 making Dan pop out.

Cyrax, Smoke, and Quan Chi also come to mind.
THAT fucker I completely forgot about. Absolutely.
I only leave out Kabal because from what I understand, the TB can be stolen during said B121 if the opponent is quick enough, same with Lao's Spin, but giving either of them a chance for more Meter is never a good idea, either.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
is the question who is more likely to get the toasty boost or whos better with a full bar?

quan uppercuts prob more than any char in game so he has a high chance to get it and is a beast ewith full meter,
most of mileenas bnbs can end in uppercut so she has a high chance of toastys aswell.
chars with good uppercuts and uppercuts within there bnbs will get the most from this new "tech".
hard to say who benefits more over any other.


Show me what you can do
Cyrax, Quan Chi, and Kabal come to mind.

Cyrax has an uppercut in his BnB, and probably more. Kabal's b121 makes Dan come out, just in case he didn't have 2 bars already. I don't know about Quan Chi, I've never really seen anyone use his d2 that much.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Sonya for sure
Between B21F2 and uppercutting off of Cartwheels...jesus friggin' jumping jacks...

Rain's gotta be up there, too.

I kind of hope this does become a consistent piece of the game's framework, just so we can have something new to liven up the metagame and make things more fucked up and interesting.

whoever is playing against the moron trying for toasty boosts ending their combos early.
Also true. As far as I'm concerned, it's not something that should be traded in for unless you practice the FUCK out of it and tone yourself to anticipate it. Don't fish if you don't have to.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I don't get a ton of toasty's to pop out with Smoke so I don't really see it right now, but hopefully that is the case. Will always be on the lookout to steal some if possible though!

I think Quan will benefit the most from this for sure. You can't even block a jump punch when he has meter....


LBSH anyone with a quick ass uppercut has a viable chance at toasty boost, except ermac n rain they can just incorporate it into combos


Lets look at it this way, which characters become more dangerous or change the way the game is played with full meter? Does full meter Kano have a better match up against no meter Cage for instance?

Example, Kung Lao is a hard match for Cage and Kano. At least 6:4

Kung Lao has pressure almost as good as Cage, plus superior armour, mobility and a 6 frame launcher.

However, as soon as Kano or Cage get full meter, all of sudden, KL doesn't want to attack with up close pressure as much.

Full meter can have a huge psychological advantage, never mind "damage"....some characters become scarier to attack with a full bar. Something like this will ideally benefit Quan Chi the most. He has the best uppercut in the game, its a great punishing tool as well as AA and interupting pressure, and with full meter, who wants to attack QC either? All he needs is a blip in your pressure, he counters and the rune traps are coming. Skarlet and Kenshi build meter like crazy as it is and with full meter they can pretty much do what they want.

What will be hype is someone getting the boost but getting X Ray'd as they are not holding block :D
I wanna say Sonya or any one with a fast uppercut. They got the best chances of getting TB but kabal would have the best use out of the free meter


sonya, lao, quan, cage, kabal

Smoke and Cyrax too if people start going for 3,2, 3d12, d2 and combo~net, djk, d2, respectively.


If Cyrax players begin using his 60% combo with an uppercut towards the beginning, the probability of a Toast appearing is much greater.

There is enough time to activate the toasty boost and complete his combo since the opponent is airborne for a long period of time post uppercut.

Kabal is obvious with B1,2,1 and I'm pretty sure he can activate the boost and complete his knee reset (sacrificing the meter building string).

Lt. Boxy Angelman

If Cyrax players begin using his 60% combo with an uppercut towards the beginning, the probability of a Toast appearing is much greater.

There is enough time to activate the toasty boost and complete his combo since the opponent is airborne for a long period of time post uppercut.

Kabal is obvious with B1,2,1 and I'm pretty sure he can activate the boost and complete his knee reset (sacrificing the meter building string).
Already on it.

The fact that I now have the potential choice between an 80% reset into pressure, and a 50% BnB into pressure capped by filling my Meter...yeah, I'm beginning to see how the THTB 's and xSmokex's of the world can be against this.

This is gonna get silly the more practical people find ways to make it.


Joker waiting room
LBSH, is it really worth it fishing for a toasty boost that probably will take 100+ uppercuts after the first 15 mins in game while playing in a tournament?
Think about this for a second; kabal input is ddu 2 right? That is an njp, and toasty comes off his b121 launcher, and his corner bnb has an njp in it, so he's not sacrificing any damage for his meter boost lol.


Already on it.

The fact that I now have the potential choice between an 80% reset into pressure, and a 50% BnB into pressure capped by filling my Meter...yeah, I'm beginning to see how the THTB 's and xSmokex's of the world can be against this.

This is gonna get silly the more practical people find ways to make it.
Don't settle for 50% go for 60%

JIP 2, 1, net, JIP 2, 1 EN Bomb, Mid Bomb, Uppercut (insert toasty boost here is possible) B2, 1,2,1, Ragdoll.

He needs it. :D


There are other characters who could incorporate uppercuts into their b'n'b's but they would be sacrificing something valuable to their gameplay.

For example:

Mileena could finish all her b'n'b's with an uppercut for solid damage and fishing for a toasty boost but she will have to sacrifice her wiffed teleport set-up which could potentially be useful and lead to additional damage.

Ermac / Rain / Smoke / Kung Lao / Quan Chi could end their b'n'b's with uppercuts but would be sacrificing damage / teleport set-ups as well.

Characters with fast uppercuts who can easily hit an opponent on jump ins or cross-ups (Sonya / Jax / Sektor / Cage / Kang / Stryker / Nightwolf) should be on the look of for toasty's. An AA jab is ideal because it leads to a combo but sometimes an uppercut is best suited in certain situations and can now lead to full meter boost thanks to the input discoveries.