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Who should I choose?


I play Cyrax, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Jax and Stryker, but I have no idea who to choose for my main. I like playing all of them just as much.

So my question is: who should i choose? Please help me out.

I also play a little Sektor, Nightwolf and i recently picked up Kabal just for funsies.


well since you like them all the same then I would suggest picking one or two that suit your playstyle the most. If you are willing to take risks (50% chance of winning or losing) then pick Scorpion. Kenshi can do everything and Jax is pretty complete as well. I don't know much about Stryker but he is perhaps the worst of them all. If you want to play a broken character with stupid damage, pick Cyrax :p. If you want to pick the funnest (imo), go for Sub Zero.


I do rushdown more than zoning. I also like going for high damage combos instead of chip damage. I'm thinking about scorpion or sub zero as a main and maybe pick cyrax/jax as a secondary (though i need to work on jax).


Sub Zero no question (though his damage is not too great). Based on damage your best bets are Sektor, Nightwolf and Cyrax.


Guess I'm at least dropping Kenshi, Stryker, Nightwolf and Kabal. Then I'm down to SZ, Scorpion, Cyrax, Jax and Sektor.