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Who is the best move seller in wrestling: Past/Present?


Philanthropist & Asshole
RVD, Billy Kidman and Dolph. Dolph does oversell a bit, but in this age of wrestlers no-selling, it's always good to see someone go that extra mile. And Bubba (Bully) Ray always sold well for a big guy. He would always jump into high-cross body moves to sell the impact. Triple H used to sell fairly well, too.


blink-182 enthusiast
I always loved how the Rock would reel back after getting punched, plus his obviously awesome stunner sells. I liked Mick Foley selling just because everything that hit him looked like it hit absolutely flush and that it would break your back if it hit you, and also Dolph and HBK obviously

Shoutouts to Jeff Jarrett for hilariously overselling things also


MK1 is the best MK period.
Diamond Dallas Paige

the diamond cutter move was done almost any way possible most versatile and hype at the time


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Not related to the thread, but I turned on RAW for the first time in forever and I have to ask....

What up with the double-title belt? They can't just give Cena one belt to walk around with? It looks so dumb.