The problem with neutral jumping is that a patient person can just wait out the divekick without whiffing and the only thing he should whiff on is doing a jump1,2,3 on the anticipated dive kick which isn't punishable, and if you try to backdash on dive kick he's the only character that I can think of that can pressure you with a dash using f,2,3 breath. The lightning cage trick can work if he's trying to cross you up but if Supes has a lifelead then all he has to do is zone you and force you to come in with the divekick, which lets be honest, is what he wants.
But the point im getting at is you dont need to divekick just the mind games will stop Superman from trying Air Lasrers same goes to GL air Rocketr, look at it is a clock once you keep yaself between 8 and 2 Oclock his Lasers wont reach you and you beat them out.
Heres the Consequences
Supermans Air Lasers hits you, you take abit of damage, most of the time its MB one, knock you full screen
BA- Connects a Dive kick can combo him for 29% without MB and stay on him, MB you wack up to near 50%
So if your worrying about the Risk of a Trade just keep in mind its in your favour
Blockwise Supes is almost the Opposite to BA, Insteal off always blocking High, Block Low for most of the time all of supes overheads are def seeable even online, so Blocking low is the best bet straight after he crosses up
and use Backdash