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Who here will be on MKKE tomorrow?


Go to hell.
I know I will. I'll be playing with Freddy for the first time, and seeing if there are any changes to the kharacters in any way.

Will you be getting MKKE, and what will you do first?

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I've already got MK9 and all it's DLC ... what's the point in MKKE if you have the DLC? Hopefully it will be compatible online with MK9 ... I mean, it'd be kinda stupid if it wasn't.


No I will not be getting it, nothing new is in the game, I got all the DLC I wanted and yes it is compatible with the old MK9.
Well, I may get it just because I was forced to make a second account, Downfourality, as my first account Larry is Legend was banned unless I pay off a like $70 debt to microsoft so I was like fuck that and now all my dlc is glitched so yeah.. lol. Only reason I would though, there is really no reason for any real competitive player to get it unless they want to run it at tournaments, as I think it would be easier.


I'm surprised so many are saying no. I love supporting NRS' revival of quality MK.
I bought the original game, Kollector's guide, artbook, and all the DLC, this game is the same game + DLC that most of us already have..why would we buy it again? I'm not knocking anyone for buying it, but I'm not spending 50-60 dollars on something I already own. We supported the game when it came out, when NRS adds new content or makes a new game, I'll get behind it. I could buy a new game, like Resident Evil 6 or Dead or Alive 5 (when they come out later this year) as opposed to buying this again, MK is one of my favorite game and I play it almost every day.
I bought the original game, Kollector's guide, artbook, and all the DLC, this game is the same game + DLC that most of us already have..why would we buy it again? I'm not knocking anyone for buying it, but I'm not spending 50-60 dollars on something I already own. We supported the game when it came out, when NRS adds new content or makes a new game, I'll get behind it.
Are you in favor of UMK9?


Are you in favor of UMK9?
I'm neutral on the subject to be honest, I'm content with MK9 as it is; however, if they release an ultimate version with about 4-7 new characters, new training mode, removal of input bug, new netcode, classic costumes for everyone, all the missing retro stages like the Kombat Tomb, The Portal, etc, Test Your Luck Online, Choose Your destiny(with Test your might/sight in between fights) and alts for the DLC characters, that's worth me putting some additional money on it.

INB4 "Komplete edition isn't meant for people who already bought the game".

I know:coffee:.
Id like to see a UMK9, Id rather that than a MK10. I want to have a chance to play a less buggy game, I aways felt like MK9 was good but had somethings taht really takes away the possible fun Id have playing the game. IF theres a MK10 it may be as bugged as the MK9 is now or even more, Id prefer NRS to reshape completely the MK9. Obviously Id not pay for an entire new game, it would have to be around the 30 bucks, tops.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
I just wanna see Rain's UMK3 ninja costume; that's all.

I'd pay a ridiculous amount just to be able to use that. But that should come as no surprise...I've only been lobbying for it for... Oh, I don't know ... F---ING FOREVER!

C'mon NRS, help the dude that has to play as Scorpion and Sub Zero sometimes because my character doesn't have an alternate costume so I can press start~start to get the sexy player two color. (I'm OCD, I know)


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Anyone who is, let me know if everything is unlocked to begin with, the Xboxes our spot uses aren't supplied with the save files, and I use CSZ and Human Sektor, so yeah..

Id like to see a UMK9, Id rather that than a MK10. I want to have a chance to play a less buggy game, I aways felt like MK9 was good but had somethings taht really takes away the possible fun Id have playing the game. IF theres a MK10 it may be as bugged as the MK9 is now or even more, Id prefer NRS to reshape completely the MK9. Obviously Id not pay for an entire new game, it would have to be around the 30 bucks, tops.
Well, it's rather early to jump to conclusions on MK10, but this has been discussed already, there'll be more than enough external support and time next time around to prevent this stuff from happening again. You'd be surprised at how much more we would've had to put up with had Tom, Konqrr, Shock, Krayzie and Check not been invited to take a look at the game pre-launch.


does the Komplete Edition have the hotfix by chance or will it just update AGAIN when that hotfix comes out? I'm confused.


Cock Master!!
does the Komplete Edition have the hotfix by chance or will it just update AGAIN when that hotfix comes out? I'm confused.
I'm praying that there is a hot fix. I'm praying it wasn't just a rumor.

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Vulcan Hades

does the Komplete Edition have the hotfix by chance or will it just update AGAIN when that hotfix comes out? I'm confused.

As of right now, Komplete Edition has Smoke with resets and invisible glitch + random advantage bugs + meter drain bugs + all the problems NRS has yet to fix.

They should've waited to at least fix the remaining known bugs before releasing KE but whatever. Too late now. It's "komplete edition not really complete and still badly needing fixes".

I'm pretty sure a hotfix is on the way though.

I just hope they're secretly working on UMK9 as we speak and not on a rushed down MK10.