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Who Are YOUR Top 10 Kombatants?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So we have ourselves one hell of an eclectic roster in this game.
And amidst all the tier debate, pros and cons, who beats this, who could top that, who's costume looks prettier than whose, it made me want to stir the conversation pot.

Everyone's got different tastes.
Different loves, different hates, different likes, different makes and models and rates.
So I ask you, TYM brethren, because I know most lists of thios sort never come out the same...going solely by strength of fist or hop of foot, ability to whoop ass with, being consistently ass-whooped by, underdog factors, overdog powers, maybe not even by power at all, just from general appeal with a fighter seeing as not a lot of us have sat down and gotten up close and personal with 10 different fighters...if this were TRL, and it were up to you to choose a Top 10 to encompass the best of the best, the characters who bring the best and most joy out of you whether using or fighting them, who do YOU choose as the/your personal MK9 Top 10?
I figure this game's been so weighed down by statistics as of late, we need a debate built for fun rather than black and white fact.

Mine goes something like this...

10. Kitana.
As much as I hate being held airborne by an oncoming beehive of flying fans, I absolutely love going to war with Kitana. Her Square Wave is one of the best getthefuckouttatheway moves in the game, her projectile juggles are second to none, and she moves so fluidly and fast, it's just a kick to watch her go.

9. Kung Lao.
The only reason KL's so far down the list is because he really is too easy to use for his own good. Not high-level, just in general. That being said, he's one of the best fighters I've ever seen in a fighting game. Going off of his previous incarnations, I would've never expected Lao to one day be this powerful, but the man is like the answer sheets in the back of the math textbooks: he's always got a solution, and watching pros use him to problem-solve - and contrastly, watching others counter-problem-solve and beat him - is glorious. Liu Kang must be pissed.

8. Johnny Cage.
I don't think I've ever seen a more insanity-inducing moveset or pressure game in my life than the one JC possesses in this game. All he needs is a jab. Just a jab. A FUCKING JAB. And devastation could be upon you at a moment's notice. Red Kick, Green Kick, fist flurries, AA-Uppercut, and that's not even taking into account the most ego-deflating, pain-inducing special in the game: the Nut Punch. Never sleep on Cage. Ever.

7. Ermac.
I feel for Ermac. Probably the most intimidating at first glance of all the Ninjas, and Story Mode kept him in straight getting-his-ass-kicked mode by everybody. The TK moveset can make you eat punishment like breakfast cereal, any zoner he comes across has to be constantly aware of the Tele-Fist, he's just...fun. It's fun to be many against one. I just wish he still had his axe.

6. Quan Chi.
The Trance gets a nomination as Best New Move of this MK generation. "WOOLAY!" gets the win as Best New Attack Phrase. The Skull Hand Chair = Best Exit. The pale sorcerer = more fun to watch than a box of firecrackers. If he still had his shotgun kick from MKDA, I'd probably have a lot more time racked up with him, but he's still a force to be reckoned with, for certain.

5. Rain.
The #1 DLC. Possibly the strongest move-set wise of the seven Ninjas. Roundhouse cancel, slow-motion lightning, reset bubbles, 4 3 Pop The Bottle, and like Leslie Nielsen and the aliens in Scary Movie 3, he can pee on you with his hands. The only thing he's lacking, IMO, is the MK3 tunic. Give him the square suit, and you Rain sales are going through the roof.

4. Noob Saibot.
Nothing says "I just want to make you suffer" like going after someone with Noob. Execution is key, and with the dark man, it can be the difference between executed and executioner. Hand the right person the Shadow moveset, and you're in for an acrobatic destruction derby of upkicks, teleslams, and chuckling ghosts. A sight to see.

3. Stryker.
The best thing about the dirty cop: at the right distance he has the means, at any point, to completely fuck up whatever you're in the middle of trying to do. Doesn't matter what. Teleport attack or JIP? Block, bullets. Or Grenade. Projectile? Roll Toss, bullets. Dashing in for pressure? EX Sweep, concussion, zone out, bullets. Just wanna screw with someone? Gun Cancel, wave at opponent, bullets. All mind games are different, and this man has a really unheralded array of choices between them, that thanks to the patch, will hopefully now have a chance to properly shine.

2. Cyrax.
Three things most gamers love to watch: Robots, explosions, and robots that cause explosions.
Between his grenade juggles, his corner madness, teleport shenanigans, flying buzzsaws, SURPRISE~! upside-down kicks into the sky, B2 - God, how I love B2... - Sticky bombs, and the ability to yank anyone out of the sky at will...anything can happen in a Cyrax fight. And that's what makes him great: diversity and unpredictability. Second only to...

1. Sub-Zero.
There are few things in this game more satisfying than the destruction of a high-level opponent at the hands of the Lin Kuei.
Ice Clone/Slide mindgames into the corners are some of the most dangerous situations in the game. EX Freeze Beam - aka the Ice Kamehameha - is something I've been waiting for him to get since forever. In spite of the things he lacks (most of which have been uber-improved with the patch), he's one of few characters in this game that, no matter who's handling him, you feel that intimidation factor of "I have to be 110% prepared for this guy" kicking in. In his surface simplicity and underlying inner workings, he can bring the best out of every fighter in the game.

So, TYM...fighting with, fighting against, spectating...who do you do you put in the 1-10 slots?


Aquaman is dead lel
10? I don't have that much :D
5. Liu Kang - I like how bersatile this guy is. Strong zoning game coupled with great mixups? And makes funny noises too? What's not to love?
4. Raiden - He is basically a ridicoulosly slow rushdown character which I find interesting.
3. Johnny Cage - I really like watching high level Cage. He gets in and rapes you.
2. Scorpion - He is my favourite character generally, but his playstyle doesn't fit me.
1. Mileena - I would have never thought Mileena is going to be my main and generally the 2. favourite character of mine. But yeah, shit happens :p .

Honorable mention:
Sektor - Those ping-pong style juggles are priceless.


Sinestro's might!
10.Sektor- Very balanced character, powerful damaging combos and good tools for lots of situations.
9. Mileena- The most annoying character in this game. Amazing wake ups and has good mix ups. D4
8. Cyrax- Solid character with good normals and specials. Amazing damage with meter.
7. Scorpion- Very solid character design. Amazing mix ups. Great damage.
6. Johnny Cage- Great frame games with this guy. Damage is solid as well.
5. Raiden- Amazing defensive opportunities with this guy. Great utility from his teleport
4. Reptile- Fast, great zoning and a good mixture of highs and lows.
3. Sub-Zero- Amazing spacing game with his Clone. Able to punish practically every punishable thing.
2. Kung Lao- Even with his nerf he still has amazing normals and mix ups. Has a tool for everything.
1. Kabal. Very execution heavy but very rewarding. Amazing projectiles. Great mix ups.

Honorable Mention for number 11 for me: Baraka- Great frame game like Cage. Mix ups are great. Lacking in damage though.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I was so sad when I found out Baraka was "ehh" in this game.
I wish MKD Baraka could show up in a time machine and whip him into shape. Hung Gar to Blades FTW.
Love that guy. Maybe with his patchy improvements, the mad Tarkatan will get some more streamplay.


My blades will find your heart
1. Cyrax
2. Kung Lao
3. Sub Zero
4. Rain
5. Kabal
6. Reptile
7. Kitana
8. Nightwolf
9. Mileena
10. Sonya Blade

EDIT: Didnt realize this was a preference thingXD
1. Baraka- He has got some of the sickest corner combos in the game, and with the new patch he is a force to be reckoned with, AND he is severely underpalyed
2. Sindel- My first main, she is truly one of if not THE best zoner in the game, until the patch she lacked in everything else, glad to see she is finally viable
3. Sektor- A lot of mixups and mindgames. Plus he can actually jump around because of being able to TU in the air.
4. Ermac- One of the easier characters to learn, but harder to master.
5. Cyber sub zero- Severely underrated, he has many tools.
6. Kitana- She just has insane combos, and a strong zoning game.
7. Rain- watching Book Burning will show you how good this dude is. Most of his EX moves are a launcher, he has insane mixups, its crazy.
8. Quan Chi- Just really fun to watch.
9. Sheeva- So fun to play, plus unless you spam telestomp, people have no idea how to play against her.
10. Kabal- By far the most fun to watch


Just based on preferencec and who I like to use and not an actually tier list

Kano- my first main in the game, dude is such a bad-ass in everything he does.
Mileena- my 2nd main after I dropped Kano, but with the new patch, she might take a seat while i bring Kano back into the mix.
Johnny Cage- I used him all during the demo and for the first few weeks before picking up Kano, I still bust him out more than anyone else not Kano or mileena
Sindel- I worked really hard on her for a while, but gave up since it was such an up-hill battle, but once agin the new patch will make me rethink it.
Kenshi- I just love his character desiign and zoning keep away style.
Freddy- i'm a huge NOES fan
Reptile- my favorite of the male ninja's but only in his classic outfit
Jax- I love my grappler characters
Sheeva- another grappler that I dabble in.
Cyrax- dude is like a mobile zangeif.


1. Jade - my main beautiful green gem.
2. Johnny Cage - I liked his shadow kick since MK1 (also this started me interested in Jade in UMK3, since Johnny wasn't in that one) and I like crackin' nuts.
3. Smoke - needless to say his smoky character was awesome in 2D MK's, but in MK9 he's the most gracious ninja, and he also kicks my ass a lot :)
4. Rain - I like him because his punches and kicks feel powerful, not like Jax, just like a powerful ninja.
5. Kenshi - I don't use him, but his fighting style is unique and fun to watch.
6. Noob Saibot - pure evil (OneRoxyRobot's description, man, I'll steal it from you) who's back is covering a more evil twin...shivers...
7. Ermac - stylish character, cool looking and with telekinetic powers, damn, just like in my dreams...
8. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi - gotta love'em.
9. Sub Zero - this character is so powerful, ice cold, man, I just have no words...
10. Human Sektor and Cyrax - I like'em more than the robot versions. I'm for the preservation of free will!
Skarlett - she's a crazy bitch, always rushing to eat and devour you. Don't know where to put her, but she's gonna rip someone from this list and she's certainly not going to be nr.10.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Lol. For real, Prinz. Like he wasnt evil enough before, now there's TWO of him...

I can't wait to see if that Split Noob And Bi-Han idea comes to life in MK10 and we end up with a new rivalry...


Funnest to watch?
5.subby- whenever I see a great subby player it's like watching art. The intense pressure is a thing of beautyand needs near perfect reads and timing
4.johnnycage- whenever he gets his ridiculous pressure going and the opponents life goes al the way down in less than 10 second you can't help but watch in awe
3. Kabal- all around game play is extremely fun to watch at high level and if anyone has tries using him you'd know that although he is an extremely strong character is execution and learning curve is one of the steepst
2. Rain- so much fun to watch from his air to air intense punishment to his extremely cool roundhouse cancels
1. Reptile- at a high level if you blink you might miss it but it's is extremy pleasing to the eye watching him cover all areas of the map at lightning speed as the opponent cries defenseless


missiles are coming
In terms of characters I like to play?
1. Sektor
2. Jade
3. Kenshi
4. Ermac
5. Kung Lao

In terms of characters I like to watch?
10. Jax
9. Reptile
8. Sektor
7. Mileena
6. Kung Lao
5. Rain
4. Sheeva
3. Kabal
2. Sonya
1. Cyrax


Go to hell.
5. Scorpion- Vortex
4. Sub Zero- Ice Clone
3. Noob Saibot- Resets, Shadow game
2. Rain- RH cancels, huge combos
1. Reptile- Nice combos, acid balls, dash, best ninja

In terms of people I like and there ability to compete. And enjoyment brought upon watching them.
And I just realized they're all ninjas. Lawl.


Head Cage
1)Noob Saibot
2)Noob Saibot
3)Noob Saibot
4)Noob Saibot
5)Boon Tobias
6)Noob Saibot
7)Noob Saibot
8)Noob Saibot Alternate Costume


Come At Me Bro
1)Kung"sexy hat" lao
2)sektor"im a robot" jenkins
3) Night"axe swingin" wolf
4) johnny" shifty eyed dirty fighter" cage


1. Sub-Zero (Watching a good Sub-Zero player is a Work of Art)

2. Smoke

3. Rain

4. Scorpion

5. Reptile

6. Shang Tsung

7. Sindel

8. Jade

9. Kitana

10. Mileena