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Which major to go to?


Hey guys, I just have a really quick question for you. After all of the offline playing I have been doing with the local guys up in KCK, I have decided I want to start travelling and attending majors. I can not go to EVO because I will not have the funds by the time it rolls around. I know that Summer Jam is the following month August 17-18. I also know that last year a lot of big names went to Summer Jam and the location is good for attracting high level players. Do you guys think the upcoming Summer Jam would be a good major for me to "pop my cherry"?

P.S. Philadelphia looks like an awesome place to visit.


Button Masher
IMO go to summer jam most North east events are packed. only reason last years SJ slacked a little was due to MLG being the same time or weekend after?


Lot of cool guys up in the NE. A lot of the VSM guys usually come around to the Philly tournies, as well as 9.95 who is nothing short of impressive to see running shit like no one else can.

Also, we have Wawa. #1 reason to come to a Philly tourny.