So i guess we need to find out what console is everyone is gonna pick this up for. So here is a poll for everyone to vote on. As for which system will be used when it comes to a tournament we gonna have to wait and see which one plays the best with no lag.
I'll probably get whatever the majority of people here get. Time to start saving up though....gonna have to get a compatible stick along with the new console.
Already have an X1 fightstick, so probably that. If tournament standard or another version has significant advantages, I'd consider a different console.
Why play it on anything but PS4? Seriously. There shouldnt be a poll for this. It sure as shit wont be on old gen, or PC and the FGC for the most part, HATES the XB1 game pad.
I am getting it on PS4 and PC for sure. PS4 should probably be tournament standard I would guess because of the controller. PC would be awesome as the standard...but I really don't see that happening.
By default I'm going to get it for PS4. My PS system has typically always had all my fighters while my XB system had the shooters. A LOT of fighters had PS as tourney standard until performance played a factor in some of em where it changed to 360. However ill either have to buy a second copy for what ends up being the standard or hope I get lucky and PS4 ends up as standard. If a new gen system ends up being so I don't think outright "lag" will be an issue since they are both more powerful. Who knows. That's my plan anyway.