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Where are the old gods?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Groy NYC

are these guys still around Pig Of The Hut
Groy - ny resident still I believe, real busy w work school family

Easytobeat- owns a million dollar company I think lol, too busy

Chaos - lives in Houston, Er worker, hermit when in his town and doesn't hang or attend locals

Blaze - Detroit still I think and AWOL


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Real life happens. Lord knows I'm likely not gonna practice this week so that I can work on coding. Unless someone has a sponsor and is paid to do this fulltime, I doubt many people can.
but Desk is more well known then 90 percent of the FGC... its how you get fame today... not from winning... from getting the most youtube views