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When online, sometimes unable to select Skarlet, Kenshi, Rain in MK9 Komplete Edition, help please!

Hey there guys. Sometimes when I am online, in fact about half of the time, I will be unable to select Skarlet, Kenshi, or Rain. When I move my cursor over cyber sub zero to get the other DLC characters list to show up, it only shows Kratos and Freddy Kruegar about half of the time. Skarlet, Kenshi, Rain are nowhere to be found 50% of the time.

I already tried deleting all of the mortal kombat 9 komplete edition save data and it still happens. It only happens online though, offline I can always select those DLC fighters. My ps3 doesn't have much stuff on it, in fact the only other game I have installed is MK vs. DC from 2009. Besides the issue of not being able to select most of the DLC characters about half of the time, my ps3 works fine and the game runs fine with no other issues.

This is getting really frustrating because I am trying to switch my main to Kenshi and half of the time i can't even select him because of this. Has anyone had this issue before and is there anyway to fix it?
As Sage Leviathan said, this is most likely occurring because the noobies you are playing with don't have the Komplete Edition and did not download the Compatibility Packs. It's not your own fault.
Wow so that was the reason the whole time? Because the people I'm playing against don't have compatability packs installed? I thought the game forced people to have the latest patch in order to play, and as such, automatically included any compatability packs.

If this is true, that's really gonna drive me crazy. I wanted to main Kenshi online and now half of the time I can't even pick him because of this.

Oh, and it's true I play mostly in King of the Hill games. Would that have an effect on the issue?

And Freddy Kreugar is always available. It's just skarlet, kenshi, and rain that are the problems. So every single person I have played against always has the ability to see Freddy but not the other 3 DLC characters.

This. Is fucked up.


Grundy think you handsome!
This has always been an issue in MK9, people just dont download the compatibility packs because they arent forced to like they are in injustice, it is something you will just have to deal with.
>Patch + Forced compat packs

It is not the case here.
Maybe you should try playing people from TYM?
Just makes it more likely for somebody who doesn't have the compat pack to join in. If even one person doesn't have the pack for a character/s, everyone won't be able to use said character/s.
NRS did not start implementing the "patch + forced compatibility pack" thing until Freddy Krueger came around.
>Fucked up
Indeed so.
Thank you to everyone that replied and solved my question on the issue.

Shame on you Ed Boon if you are reading this. How simple would it have been to just force people as part of a patch or something to include a compatibility pack that at least allows them to fight against characters they haven't bought, so that players who DID buy the DLC fighters can be guarenteed to play them at all times online. You guys even did that for Freddy.
Thank you to everyone that replied and solved my question on the issue.

Shame on you Ed Boon if you are reading this. How simple would it have been to just force people as part of a patch or something to include a compatibility pack that at least allows them to fight against characters they haven't bought, so that players who DID buy the DLC fighters can be guarenteed to play them at all times online. You guys even did that for Freddy.
You're welcome!

NRS probably had not figured out how to properly do that until it was time for Freddy Krueger to invade the dreams of MK fans.