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Whats your opinion of gamebattles.com?


Button Masher
I play gamebattles from time to time if none of my friends are online and the ranked matches are coming up slowly. i think its an alright website. the only downside i see is some people take it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to seriously. i mean i was playing a game 20min ago against someone who was down right terrible. so i was messing with him and throwing him / D4ing a lot. and he sent me a bunch of rage mail and disputed the match. what do you guys think? do you think its just a website for teens/ little kids to prove who's "better" or does it truly show some skill?
Its alright but good luck getting wins if you dont have proof lol. Its full of 15 year olds being sore losers.


Button Masher
Its alright but good luck getting wins if you dont have proof lol. Its full of 15 year olds being sore losers.

and all of their parents bought therm HD PVRs.... i had to buy mine myself and ended up selling it... no proof for me )':
The site is ok and working to get better. I honestly feel in my heart that its all about money and not about the gamers and to a point its true. It obviously costs alot to run MLG and I can only imagine the pressure their under to keep a business like that running. However I feel they don't put enough attention or money into the gamebattle side of things. Only the major money makers for them gets attention and that's only when they have a serious ladder going on. Normal matches for wins and ranking feels like its on the back burner and the new membership system only feeds that thought. At the same time the community there isn't full of a$$holes either although there is its share. The MK community (although small) is pretty cool and are usually up for casuals and stuff. However you will find alot of them here as well since its almost the same community. Before turning my focus on MK9 I was doing COD Gbs there and we ran in to a mix of different people. So if you plan on continuing to GB there you'll just have to ignore the bad, the others are usually helpful and willing to give out tips and strategies.