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What's with the lack of frame advantage?


One big difference between casual/dudebro fighters and FGC level fighters is frame advantage on block and frame data in general. Note I'm mainly commenting on blocked frame advantage though even on hit a lot of moves seem to be lacking.

Yet as we learn more and more about frame data (huge thanks to Somberness) we can see that most attacks are unsafe on block, have gaps in their attack strings and each character has maybe 1 move that has frame advantage. A lot of the frame advantage has been taken out of the game and a lot of moves people thought had frame advantage are actually 0 or -1. I suspect that probably 90% of the frame advantage that was in the game was accidental.

I personally don't like it because it makes the game zoning and turtle friendly. Maybe that's the idea since blocking deals chip damage but it feels like more characters should have frame traps since it's so hard to get in on a lot of the cast.

What are your thoughts?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
You know what might've been a good idea? Projectiles canceling one another...and yes, I understand that Boon's intention wasn't for MK9 to turn into a projectile fest (IE SF4) but that's exactly what's happened. What really irks me though is, a character like JC for instance, CAN NOT advance without meter (which is fucking bugged at least 40% of the time; pretty unreliable) or eating chip damage against a lot of the cast. If he's low on life, without meter, cannot nut punch under the projectiles to build meter then his ONLY option is to crouch and wait for the opponent to become impatient and come to him or let the clock run out.

I'd seriously like projectile canceling in MK10. Or at least give the entire cast either a teleport or a non-shit projectile. The fucking dash nerf has made this shit worse too.