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Whats Sup Everyone..

Sup Everyone, my name is JThaArtistic pretty much says it right here... but lets get to the point this site is one of the best MK sites i been on awhile good job, but anyway it just happen i stumble upon here by accident lol, the reason being is cause i im a huge MK fan since MK1 and through the years i played against all kinds of people through my MK journey and used to have UMK3 xbox live but since when they have took it off from xbox live awhile back im stuck playin locally with my younger brothers, since then i was searchin for any former UMK3 players that still play today, thats what lead me to here.. but back to the topic, nowadays i be on kaillera online here the games i like Mostly...

:Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 {Jugguarnaunt Hack}
:Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Rev 1.2
:Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)

These the top three i play most on kaillera as far wise but i also play Street Fighter too and any other mutiplayer games, but yea you guys hit me up lets do this thing and lets have fun, and most importantly im ready to whoop somebody ass Lol
Dont be game shy on me Stop by and say wassup ;D


Forum General Emeritus
If you are looking for MK2 games, hit me up sometime and we can play Kaillera (or PS3 if you have it.)