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What's an "acceptable" disconnect ratio?


What do you all feel is an acceptable disconnect ratio? Sometimes they can't be avoided, others rage quit non-stop. Do you have a limit on what people you'll find concerning their D/C ratio?

Now that we can see our hero cards (it takes a bit, but it works), are you satisfied with your D/C ratio? Do you think it's acceptable?

Mine is 2.5% (8 disconnects in 309 matches).
If someone has 30+ disconnects in a player match, I won't fight them. But you also gotta take into account some disconnects just pop up. I have like 9 disconnects and I've never rage quit.
I guess it's not really a ratio, but no matter how many total matches, if it's like in the double digits then I have to think about accepting.


I probably have over 30 disconnects and if anyone watches my stream you know they're all from people who pull the plug after getting destroyed. I think I've had a total of 3 matches where lag was the result of us disconnecting.


The Prettiest
On MK I've played over 6k games. 500 DCs. Never quit once. So personally I don't pay attention to it unless their record seems newbish and you can clearly see they ragequit.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I personally prefer a disconnect to a win. If they want to pull the plug, I must be awesome!

... or aggravating. Either works for me.


Dualshock 2 User
My disconnect ratio is about 1.5%, hope that helps. Also I met someone who had 200 disconnects in 800 matches, he asked me on microphone to tell him his disconnects and he told me it was other people's connections. :confused:


Get over here!
I don't know... I don't have a limit really. I don't really care if people rage-quit... I am used to it. I always give them the benefit of the doubt.


i dont give a crap if someone ragequits. never did before the disconnect fix, still don't after. i think it's pretty funny


Est In Harvey 1989
This thread made me go look at my hero card. I have 48 disconnects, and I've NEVER rage quit on Injustice. I've had ALOT of people rage quit on me though.