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Whatever Happened to Victor "Dog-Face" Ratliff?


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
I know this may be old news but i wanted to ask anyway plus TYM is host to players from all aspects of the FGC (whether it be MK, KI, SF, Guilty Gear, etc...) some of you may not know who he is but Victor was one of the funniest and funnest commentator for Marvel 2 up there with IFC Yipes.

He can be heard doing commentary here:

Vic was an excellent XvSF (X-men vs Street Fighter) player and a very prominent member of the SF community but during the rise of SF4 he kind of disappeared...Google shows no trace of him at all (well barely just links to a couple of different websites and his IMDB page....didn't know he was an actor...?)...which is odd...i lurked the SRK forums (one time only) and found that he was last active in 2013 and a post about him was quickly shunned away...

He was even in the documentary film "I GOT NEXT":

It also seems like his show (the Dogface show) has been completely deleted off of youtube entirely...

I only ask this because i enjoyed Vic's commentary back in the day..heck him, Yipes ,Seth Killain and Rockefeller (aka Dr. Sub Zero) were the reason i got into commentating for the scene...

So i just wanted to know from TYM why do people usually just up and leave and denounce the FGC (Rockefeller regardless of having a hit show left, got married to a beautiful girl, and swore never to come back to the FGC again...) and how does the community feel about this?

And what the heck happened to Vic...?
Funny that I found this as I was recently searching for Vic myself.

First and foremost, Vic is actually a close friend of mine. Originally from Arizona and also close friend with Scott "SaBrE" Bender and Derek "Omni" Daniels. On top of his acting, he also wrote scripts and pilots for shows. He has written a pilot for a Nickelodeon show that has aired a few years back. Something to do with Ninjas. Him an I were both in an un-aired MTV show. "Most Memorable Gaming Moments"

Anyway, the last time I physically seen him was at Evo 2011. I still have an Evo 2011 shirt for him that I was suppose to mail him (old address) and the last written comment I received from him was in an email back from 2011 where he was asking his friends to check out some flier that he drew for some car company. He was also a talented artist.

I posted about him yesterday on my Facebook page and again on Twitter. Later, Derek would reply that "oddly enough" he actually ran into Vic in Vegas when he was in town for work. He ran into him at a restaurant that he worked at (obviously got his contact info and etc) but since then, have tried to call/text him 900 times and never received a reply. He's off the grid. No facebook, no twitter, not anything. Oh, this was last year by the way. So the latest information that we have is that he now lives and works in Vegas.

I joked to Scott that one day we should start a gofundme account to hire a private eye to hunt his ass down. lol Anyway... this was pretty enlightening to find that there are other people out there who have searched for him as well. I have a few older pics of him and me together from previous Evos on my Facebook.

Well, the search continues!