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What Moblie Phone/Cell Phone u using


Like the title says

Am using Nokia 5110. Laugh all u want. This phone ownz. Its old skool. I bin using this nokia 5110 for the the last 7-10 years. Nvr lets me down

Post a pic of the phone


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I use a LG flip phone, it's an older model about 5 years old roughly...with AT & T as my provider. My first cell phone was a p.o.s. Nokia(the ones that are not extinct lol that didn't even flip) far older then the one Wazz posted...think those cheap, track phones lol. That kind of quality...I hated it.
i got a p.o.s. LG Voyager almost 3 years old now, time for an upgrade soon. battery stays charged for one full day, it shuts off randomly, and my web browser is out of date so i cant watch youtube vids n e more.

i want a Droid or some kind of smart phone next


RollTide8569 said:
i got a p.o.s. LG Voyager almost 3 years old now, time for an upgrade soon. battery stays charged for one full day, it shuts off randomly, and my web browser is out of date so i cant watch youtube vids n e more.

i want a Droid or some kind of smart phone next
No mole u want a Nokia 5110. U will love it


scheiss, dreamcatcher, icestad, timmy, Blk albm, dark rob and every1 post wat fone u use. plzzzz
X820 said:
Didn't this have a signal problem when you held it in your left hand or something similar ?
When the phone 1st came out there was a big thing on the net saying how you lost signal when you held the phone in your hand when making calls. It's funny though cos I watched a bunch of vids of that happening on youtube and the way people had to hold it to get the loss of signal before i bought it. You effectively have to grip the bottom left hand corner of the phone, fully covering it and hold that position for a period of time.

Basically, only a retard would ever get signal loss by holding the phone that way. I havent had loss of signal from that once. :)
I use my iPhone as well. Its the 3G version though. Everyone keeps telling me I need more apps, but I'm satisfied with my 2 1/4 pages of apps. My brother has like 9 FULL pages of interesting but useless apps. I'm like wtf am I gonna do with an Ugly Meter app. LOL