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What Jax can Grab n' pound you out of

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
I dont know if there is a thread like this already but i just thought i might as well share some jax tech lol

we all should know that dive kicks are just there for the taking

LK Flying kick (has to be done preemptively cant be done on reaction even full screen) (dangerous to do)
KL Teleport ( i think everyone should know that already)
Reptiles Dash (just like Lui Kang)
JC Green kick and flip kick just outside flip range
Smokes shake (enhanced as well i think)
Sectors Enhanced teleport (at start)
Sonya's enhanced cartwheel or normal (on wake up as well)
Kano's ball (dangerous to do)
Raiden's dive
CSZ Freeze parry
Quan Chi's Sky drop (the air grab is used to escape it when timed properly)


Ive seen the leprechaun
you can air grab mileena out of her teleport kick....its hilarious when they use it as a wake up attack and keep doing it and keep getting grabbed before they hit they get so mad LMAO


Ive seen the leprechaun
u mean the one like scorpion? and how difficult is it?
its not that difficult since the teleport is pretty fast its almost as soon as you see them start to teleport itll grab them. im pretty sure ive gotten an EX teleport kick (the first kick)