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Question What is the top accomplishment in MK9?


Do not touch me again.
Just for fun: what do you think is the 'holy grail' of accomplishments in MK9?
Have you accomplished any of these feats?
Do you feel that you are due props that you have not yet received?
Poast here for fun and profit.

  1. Babying Kung Lao or Mileena with Sheeva.
  2. Beating expert ladder with all flawless victories.
  3. Double flawlessing a top player.
  4. Babying Kenshi with Kano.
  5. Winning a tournament with Stryker.
  6. etc.


Cage ban wagon?
Lets see here are my greatest accomplishments:

1.) Beating REO at the MLG arena with KL. Never have I ever beaten a top 5 player so convincingly ever. To me I felt that this accomplishment was prolly one of the best. Even though I did that I still think to this day REO was just sandbagging me. He said he wasn't but I can tell because he always fucks with everyone.

2.) Babying Pig Of The Hut s Kenshi online lol.... IDGAF if it was online I don't like Kenshi. HOLD DAT :p

3.) Beating CD Jr at the arena. Arguable the best player in the world at the time and being the only person who can actually get a set off him that day was imo awesome.

4.) Double flawlessing Death online. YEAH I know its online but if you double flawless a sonya with cage, your a fucking champ idc what anyone says.

5.) Beating CD Sr, PL, and going toe to toe with REO at the time of columbus. Nobody was able to really hang with VSM with the exception of Pig of the Hut. Being able to go head to head with VSM and beating some of them especially when they were that dominant in the scene was crazy.

6.) Coming back on a KL that was about to Flawless me while playing cage and only having a pixel of health left. Lets just say FOREVER KING was happy.

Those are my best accomplishments. If you felt like I blew you up, don't. I don't mean to blow anybody up. Just saying what I felt was my greatest achievements.
Example accomplishment:
Being a good Kratos player that doesn't give a fuck about what anyone says concerning him being banned; He's banned-tier, bitches!

(Also: He is a gambler kind of character to me, similar to Scorpion but more "momentum-driven".)

Personal accomplishment:
Bringing sexy back as Noob Saibot and babying several counterpickers online. (Their scrubby Kabals could not contain such intense sperm-ifying fluids)


Double flawlessing Pig of the Huts Kenshi with Sub Zero. With a babality.

If you can do that....I will stop playing this game and build a shrine of you.