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What is armor?


Step aside!
I tried to look in the threads here to find some info on armor but I can't find it.

So could someone explain what armor really is and how it works? I keep seeing and hearing people talk about it on forums and on streams.


EX Ovi should launch
Normal armour - can take 1 hit before interrupting (interrupts the attack on the second hit)

Super armour - dont think theres much of this in MK (maybe xrays) but it takes a bit more beating (sometimes i dont even think you can break through the armour and interrupt the move)

You still take damage for getting hit while performing an armoured move, however they will have to hit you at least twice to break through it, so its easily usefull for beating your way out of pressure or through a projectile.


Step aside!
I thought combo breakers only interrupt?

How do you perform a armor move then? Or only do have certain skills give armor? Is there some list so I know which moves have armor?


EX Ovi should launch
use the search function im sure there is a compiled list of armour moves, breakers interrupt combos.

Certain EX Special Moves, for example Johnny cage EX red kick, Sub zero EX Slide, Jax EX Dash punch, scorpion EX Spear,

Theres more but im not going to list them all to you im afraid, but i am sure theres a thread with it in (each characters specific section will definitely have the info on which moves have armour on them though)


Normal armour - can take 1 hit before interrupting (interrupts the attack on the second hit)

Super armour - dont think theres much of this in MK (maybe xrays) but it takes a bit more beating (sometimes i dont even think you can break through the armour and interrupt the move)

You still take damage for getting hit while performing an armoured move, however they will have to hit you at least twice to break through it, so its easily usefull for beating your way out of pressure or through a projectile.
I don't think there is "normal" armor. Armor seems to last a set amount of time for any number of hits. Kabal's dash for example, can take more than one hit. But having only 11 frames of armor means that very few situations will actually show that the move can take more than one hit.


EX Ovi should launch
I don't think there is "normal" armor. Armor seems to last a set amount of time for any number of hits. Kabal's dash for example, can take more than one hit. But having only 11 frames of armor means that very few situations will actually show that the move can take more than one hit.
Okay, im guessing because there are few 2 hit strings/specials that can hit twice in 11 frames. Am i right to understand then that if you performed a 2hit string or special where the second hit was on the 12th+ frame and both hits connect before you get spun (or if he cancels it and keeps the armour) you will beat it?


EX Ovi should launch
Alright, thanks.
Using Somberness ' knowlege of frame data, the easiest way to explain armour to someone would to say that its a duration of an attack in which if you get hit you take it and are not interupted. Once the duration of armour is over, you are able to be hit out of the move as normal.


Okay, im guessing because there are few 2 hit strings/specials that can hit twice in 11 frames. Am i right to understand then that if you performed a 2hit string or special where the second hit was on the 12th+ frame and both hits connect before you get spun (or if he cancels it and keeps the armour) you will beat it?
It depends on if the dash hitbox is touching your hurtbox. If it is, even when both of the moves are active, player 1 will win.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Lets use Cage's Red Shadow Kick(Versus Sub-Zero and his Ice Clone) to explain armor really quick.

Situation: Full Screen, Sub-Zero puts up an ice clone and shoots his ice ball, Cage can react to this.

When the game first came out, it had NO armor which means if he did the red shadow kick at full screen with Sub's Ice Clone out and Sub-Zero's ice ball, the ice ball would hit Cage and stop him.

Few months after that there was a patch that gave his Red Shadow Kick full armor. In that same situation, Cage would be able to go through the Ice Ball and the Clone.

Then when the game was patched once more, they only gave him armor on this beginning part of his Red Shadow Kick. This means in that situation, he would blow past the ice ball and get frozen by the clone because the armor would run out.


EX Ovi should launch
Lets use Cage's Red Shadow Kick(Versus Sub-Zero and his Ice Clone) to explain armor really quick.

Situation: Full Screen, Sub-Zero puts up an ice clone and shoots his ice ball, Cage can react to this.

When the game first came out, it had NO armor which means if he did the red shadow kick at full screen with Sub's Ice Clone out and Sub-Zero's ice ball, the ice ball would hit Cage and stop him.

Few months after that there was a patch that gave his Red Shadow Kick full armor. In that same situation, Cage would be able to go through the Ice Ball and the Clone.

Then when the game was patched once more, they only gave him armor on this beginning part of his Red Shadow Kick. This means in that situation, he would blow past the ice ball and get frozen by the clone because the armor would run out.
trust a cage player to explain it simply ;)


Step aside!
Lets use Cage's Red Shadow Kick(Versus Sub-Zero and his Ice Clone) to explain armor really quick.

Situation: Full Screen, Sub-Zero puts up an ice clone and shoots his ice ball, Cage can react to this.

When the game first came out, it had NO armor which means if he did the red shadow kick at full screen with Sub's Ice Clone out and Sub-Zero's ice ball, the ice ball would hit Cage and stop him.

Few months after that there was a patch that gave his Red Shadow Kick full armor. In that same situation, Cage would be able to go through the Ice Ball and the Clone.

Then when the game was patched once more, they only gave him armor on this beginning part of his Red Shadow Kick. This means in that situation, he would blow past the ice ball and get frozen by the clone because the armor would run out.
Thanks for the clear explanation


Gaming4Satan Founder
Kraiden this might be more concise:

As long as armor is active a move CANNOT be interrupted except by X-ray. You will still take full damage from any hits you take, but your move will still continue on.


What I believe the armor is:
Armor is the property to absorb hits during a certain part of an attack animation. The armor absorbs exactly the same amount of damage that the absorbed attack would deal on hit.
You can often hear players refer to it as either "super armor" or "one hit armor".
Super armor is armor during start-up and active frames of an attack.
One hit armor - only during start-up frames (Kabal's enhanced nomad dash) or only during active frames (Noob's x-ray).
There are attacks that have armor dependent on placing (Sub-Zero's en-slide and Johnny Cage's en-shadow kick).


The Bat in the Hat
There are two different types of armor in MK9: regular armor and invincibility.

Regular armor: If a move has regular armor it means that during how ever many frames the moves armor property is active being hit won't interrupt the move but you will still take damage. Every character in the game has atleast 1 move with this property and most of them have armor on their start up frames but not their active frames. Some armor moves like Cages Red Kick or Sub Zeros EX Slide have armor for longer periods than that but still loose the property at some point during its duration.

Invincibility: This is basically the same thing as armor but with 2 differences: Invincibility absorbs both hits AND damage but I believe invincible attacks can actually be beaten by throws. Wake up attacks all have brief periods of invincibility as well as Johnny Cage's EX Nut Punch and Raidens EX Shocker and regular teleport.