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What if Chris G took Texas Showdown in Mk9

Lets pretend here that chris g came to texas and actually ended up bodying the KH crew n the rest of the local and non local scenes in mk9 to take the title, what would be ur response to this feat?, How would ur views be of the Houston Scene, i know alot of ppl already love to talk down on the Texas scene like we are free but i believe that to be far as hell from true, my homeboy lumberzach said if chris g would have won he would have left kh and stop comin to casuals never to be heard from again lol which i could do nothing but laugh... What would u guys opinions would have been after letting an out of towner come and body us in a game that he enters just because its there.
His stock would have gone way up on the MK Stock Market :)
Not taking anything away from chris he is a solid mk player, n would deserve it if he took it, but still i know that he doesnt take the game as serious as he does other games, which would bother me because we work our ass off to be where we are today, but i agree his stock would definitely have blown up
Not taking anything away from chris he is a solid mk player, n would deserve it if he took it, but still i know that he doesnt take the game as serious as he does other games, which would bother me because we work our ass off to be where we are today, but i agree his stock would definitely have blown up
I think if he actually did he would be so much better.


Thou shalt be slain!
Chris G is a freak at fighting games. he's placed top 3 on multiple occasions at MK9, SSF4AE, and is arguably the best UMVC3 player right now, and has top 8'd a TON of times at KoF13, Skullgirls, and Street Fighter x Tekken. there's footage of him playing a damn good Reptile in UMK3 and i swear to god there's footage of him playing Smash Bros Brawl in a tournament on youtube somewhere. he doesn't take this game as seriously as he used to but at one point in time, he did say that MK9 was his main game, and he's an extremely intelligent player that is more than capable of winning just based off of fundamentals. it would suck if he won Texas Showdown but it shouldn't have been a surprise had it actually happen. the guy is sick at fighting games, period, and i hate to see people downplay him.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Not taking anything away from chris he is a solid mk player, n would deserve it if he took it, but still i know that he doesnt take the game as serious as he does other games, which would bother me because we work our ass off to be where we are today, but i agree his stock would definitely have blown up
Seriously, don't be distraught, because Chris is a fucking freak. I don't know if you've heard the stories, but the guy is seriously talented at video games for not much of a reason at all. DDR, Halo (shooters in general), you name it. REO is the exact same way as him, actually.
Seriously, don't be distraught, because Chris is a fucking freak. I don't know if you've heard the stories, but the guy is seriously talented at video games for not much of a reason at all. DDR, Halo (shooters in general), you name it. REO is the exact same way as him, actually.
i guess when ur so passionate about video games like that then u just cant help but be that good, ha i love games but i cant play everything if it doesnt appeal to me.