Ever since the Arkham Origins was announced I've been thinking about a Green Arrow video game. I think it would play like Arkham City with the Fighting. It would be an Open world with lots of side missions from various Green Arrow villains like Count Vertigo although it would keep superpowers to a minimum and would be sort of like the new arrow TV show and would have a dark gritty feel . Using your bow would be like in Tomb Raider and you can run out of arrows but then after the fight it would refill in a short amount of time so you aren't just shooting everywhere, the bow would also have the ability to target up to three people with three different arrows who are close to each other. I think the game should be a stealth game but also have parts like in Arkham City where you are thrust into hand to hand combat. Ollie would also be able to use his bow for lots of other things too, like using to make a wire across buildings so he can traverse starling city faster. Another way to get around starling city would be to climb it like in the assassins creed games because Green Arrow cant glide around the city like batman does. I think it should also have a challenge mode like in Arkham City. One sort of challenge mode would be Fighting and one would be stealth. I also like the ability of playing as other characters such as Black Canary or Speedy(Arsenal). Also on a different note some of the Pre-Order skins could be the New 52 Green Arrow, Injustice Green Arrow or the CW Arrow. So what do you guys think about this?