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What English sounds like to people who can't speak it

Purple Haze

Dojo Trainee
This is quite a clever video. It's a song. Someone made it to illustrate what English sounds like to people who can't speak English. It shows that English words and sentences have a type of rhythm and a specific pattern so what you hear sounds like it should be English when in fact it's total gibberish.



LOL this is so weird, but cool. I loved the parts where they were basically saying alright, it's kind of catchy. If that's how English speakers sound to non-speakers at least we have a catchy melody and rhythym:cool:.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
that was tight.....i was confused as hell the whole time tho

it's sad tho....i fell like this song has more talent then 90% of the shit on the radio tho