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What did you guys think of Elysium?


World's worst GL
I thought it was pretty hype. Not an S+ tier movie, obviously. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Which is saying a lot because I'm really critical when it comes to movies (I'm a Nolan fanboy so I like to assume I know what "smart" movies are lolol). It seemed like it was pretty self aware of its over-the-topness.

Only real gripe I have is the shaky cam. It was really bad. Like epileptic orangutan bouncing on a trampoline during an earthquake bad.

But overall it was pretty fun.


I liked this movie, just what I expected. Its been a few weeks, but I don't remember a shaky cam.
I liked it. Kruger was delightfully over the top.

I'm sorry I crashed into your beautiful, luxurious home and ruined your life.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
It was enjoyable. Although the message he was trying to convey in this movie was pretty obvious as opposed to his other films where you had to think a little bit to see the message. Kruger stole the show for me. Love his South African accent.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Without comparing it to anything it was pretty decent.

Buuuuuuuuuut because of District 9 I think it becomes forgettable. It's pretty much like District 9 without interesting characters (aside from Kreuger) and the action was much weaker imo. They also beat you over the head with the messages of the movie.


Filled with determination
Ehhh some interesting parts but the message it was obviously trying to hammer into our heads was pretty annoying, usually this doesn't bother me but you could just feel the political agenda.