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What bizarro world did I wake up in?

Okay, I come back from a month long vacation, and all the sudden, I come back to MK and everyone seems to take moments of good gaming and turn it on it's head.

"Why didn't you use a fatality?"
"Well, we've seen them hundreds of times already. Plus, I really only use it as a way to poke fun at players who do nothing but spam. Otherwise, it's just kind pointless and a tad insulting."
"You're an *******. You're not even that good, you know."

"You know, Freddy's claw is negative on block. You can go into Sub-Zero's 22ice ball into combo as a punisher if you catch me using it too much."
"So, you think you're all that? Do I look funny to you? Is this funny to you?"

Or, my favorite tonight.
"You know, if you use Mileena sais after having her teleport blocked, it's a good way of psyching your opponent out, so you can mess up their punishing."
"What, you're trying to teach me how to play my character now? Jerk."

Is there something I'm missing here? I thought I was just giving some tips, and explaining why I don't use fatalities. What the hell? Am I wording it wrong?


Where/at what was this?

People can just get defensive.. I do the same with my buddy(I'm not that great, but I know how the game works; just don't implement it into my own gameplay) and he gets pissed about it sometimes. It's understandable because it's basically like your insulting them but in a posh manner.

Don't let it get to you, if said person reacted in such a way for tips given, it was bound to happen and she/he will have to learn that lesson on their own.
Where/at what was this?

People can just get defensive.. I do the same with my buddy(I'm not that great, but I know how the game works; just don't implement it into my own gameplay) and he gets pissed about it sometimes. It's understandable because it's basically like your insulting them but in a posh manner.

Don't let it get to you, if said person reacted in such a way for tips given, it was bound to happen and she/he will have to learn that lesson on their own.
It was in one of the online rooms. I found some guys online who wanted to see a Freddy mainer, and I joined in.

Above was the kinda shit that was said. And that's not even the half of it.


It was in one of the online rooms. I found some guys online who wanted to see a Freddy mainer, and I joined in.

Above was the kinda shit that was said. And that's not even the half of it.
Oh I was figuring this was offline.. LOL

Don't even bother.. people online think they are the best in the world. And when you try to help, and they seemed any where near pissed off, they will blow a gasket. It's been like this since the start, at least on PS3..


This is one of the things that gives online players a bad name..90% of them are pure arseholes and have no respect.. constantly flaming each other.. finding excuses why they lost and being just plain dickheads... If someone gave me tips id be other the freekin moon...(if i could get a game maybe some people would give me tips!!!!!) the rooms in here in the EU are just constant "fight me im the best" spam and "spammer!.. blocker!...noob!! etc." ..
its pretty pathetic.. unfortunatly its the only way alot of people (myself included) can practice


This is one of the things that gives online players a bad name..90% of them are pure arseholes and have no respect.. constantly flaming each other.. finding excuses why they lost and being just plain dickheads... If someone gave me tips id be other the freekin moon...(if i could get a game maybe some people would give me tips!!!!!) the rooms in here in the EU are just constant "fight me im the best" spam and "spammer!.. blocker!...noob!! etc." ..
its pretty pathetic.. unfortunatly its the only way alot of people (myself included) can practice
That's how it is everywhere, brother. And sorry, I'd love to get some matches in but there's that damn region lock ..
I got the "why didnt you do his[cages] fatality today" and was shocked. But its usually a lose/lose situation. If you do a fatality you get a "WOW YOU'RE A DICK WE KNOW IT YOU WON" and if you dont you get a "wow you dont know how to do his fatality?LMAO YOU SUCK". I see alot less of the latter though
It's just getting ridiculous. Even the BlazBlue crowd was never THIS bad.

It's like... I just got back from vacation, I'm in a good mood, I see a potentially good player, and I want to help them get better...

And I'm met with bitchiness.
Yeah the people who deny help because they think they're hot shit then they get owned online and get all defensive are stupid. People should always be looking to get better, always.


Dies A Lot
Its the sad Ego of online players. Thats why offline is so nice because most players want to help each other out so the competition grows. Online all they care about is rank and records. Today i got hatemail after killing this guy with a huge record (mines like 300+/500+) saying i shouldnt be good if i have a crap record and that i must have cheated. Its all Ego just let it go.


Dojo Trainee
It takes a dumb person to be arrogant and if people seek for reasons to be arrogant or want to stay oblivious to reasons why they shouldn't, online MK is paradise.

But the "why didn't you use fatality" one was funny:) To even take the time and trouble to create a message just to ask that. lol.


It takes a dumb person to be arrogant and if people seek for reasons to be arrogant or want to stay oblivious to reasons why they shouldn't, online MK is paradise.

But the "why didn't you use fatality" one was funny:) To even take the time and trouble to create a message just to ask that. lol.
Any competitive sport, game or event there's gonna be arrogance and ego involved. You don't necessarily have to be dumb to be arrogant either.


Ice Pirate
Did the same things (give tips) and got the same responses... It's just like they all feel that they are the kings in MK, and it's easy for such players to feel patronised if you give them tips they didn't ask for. But I had some conversations with people like this and after a few messages they'll turn around, I even made friends with some...
And if they keep the tuff guy act going (and when I'm into it a.k.a. to lazy to play), I'll just try to piss 'm off. Try to diss them like in a Hip-Hop battle, with written rhymes and all. Also made friends that way, a 5 message battle later :).

Most of them should be glad that there aren't arcades around anymore, 'cause in the few I knew they would:
A. be stripped of their money (playwise or rip-off wise)
B. get beat up
C. get thrown out
D. be dissed
E. receive a combination of A,B,C & D (I prefer: A (playwise)+ D)
All & all, just stopped to care about this stupid stuff, if people can't handle an online game it's their problem and not mine. Heck, I'm even glad playing against someone in Europe. On most days there's only about 150 to 200 people (average) online, with mostly only an "amateur/beginner" named room that's constanly full (and I refuse entering rooms named like this, what the F* is wrong with the Netherrealm or Hell!?)! If the online in the EU keeps going like this, I'll maybe make a record on MK9 expert playthroughs ;).
The other day I tried to help out a smoke player, sent him a few tips and this is what I got:
-"Dude, shut the fuck up. I don't need help from your sorry ass, [ban incoming]!"
My reaction was; "WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M GAY?!"
I didn't reply to him, just went on to play a few more games then called it a night.
Parts of the online community are assholes, but some of them are nice and helpful people.
But don't expect to get a "nice" player in ranked/random rooms.
The other day I tried to help out a smoke player, sent him a few tips and this is what I got:
-"Dude, shut the fuck up. I don't need help from your sorry ass, [ban incoming]!"
My reaction was; "WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M GAY?!"
I didn't reply to him, just went on to play a few more games then called it a night.
Parts of the online community are assholes, but some of them are nice and helpful people.
But don't expect to get a "nice" player in ranked/random rooms.
It's cause we play Sub-Zero, isn't it?

Have you seen the way he swishes when he charges his b2?

Talk about a screaming ice queen.
You have to learn to love the hate mail and rage of these people. I just send them a <3, or tell them to grab a Kleenex, depending. Sadly, the majority of the online population is like this.

I test the waters with a gg(s) if I think the player is good. If said player returns it, I ask if I may offer advice, etc... A few I even keep on my friends list.

Still, it's best to play offline, or with online players you know from the boards.


The Mad_Hattr
"You know, Freddy's claw is negative on block. You can go into Sub-Zero's 22ice ball into combo as a punisher if you catch me using it too much."
"So, you think you're all that? Do I look funny to you? Is this funny to you?"
HAHAHAHA!!! Who the F*ck were you fighting, Joe Pesci from Goodfellas!! Who says shit like that?!?


People in online games have a natural tendency to assume you're being condescending, even if you're not.
Probably as a direct result of the number of assholes online.

I test the waters with a gg(s) if I think the player is good. If said player returns it, I ask if I may offer advice, etc... A few I even keep on my friends list.
That's probably the best way to go. Someone gives me a ggs, I'm pretty confident they're not an asshat. :)


Button Masher
my favorite is last night i was playing player KOTH cause i wanted to practice with Skarlet. but someone didn't have the compatibility pack. So i went on a Mileena Spree and i got yelled at by 3 people for "Spamming the same combo" cause i was doing Mils BnB.. Moral of the story. Online other then a few is made up of 12 year olds who Don't want your help, and will make excuses of you being cheap to not hurt their ego. and they ALWAYS have to have the last word.