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What are your ideas for DLC?


Pretty self explainatory, lol. There's a lot I would like to see.

Animalities, Friendships, and Brutalities.

More arenas, and maybe stage fatalities for levels that don't have any already.

Vs. CPU mode. I know there's practice but I'd love to be able to pick my opponent, AND see the intros, fatalities and so on, and I make videos with my capture card. Would like to post my own kind of tournament on youtube lol. Like have Scorpion vs Sub-Zero in their klassics, Sonya vs Kano, etc.

More characters. I'd like to see Robo Smoke, Jason, Blade, and Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural :p lol and more. They could fit pretty good, actually. Especially with the whole team battle in this game. Sam and Dean would be one of my best teams :)

Alts. Alt. for Robo Smoke, his klassic one. So I can use klassic Sektor and Cyrax on a team, and Klassic Cyber Sub-Zero and Robo Smoke on a team :p I'd also like more klassic alts for characters, and some new alts, like a fully SWAT uniform for Stryker, and some Alts for the DLC characters, like a Klassic for Rain and one for Skarlett.

And not really a DLC, but maybe update the game every so often, when new characters come out and stuff, and add something where depending on who's fighting who, their intros or phrases could be different. Like Sub-Zero and Scorpion's intros, if they are fighting against each other, they'd say something thats specifically directed towards each other.

Tell me all of your ideas =]


i think they need some new fatalitys in general come one scorpion and sub cant be the only ones with 3 (minus the stages that is)


Sinestro's might!
I heard a rumour that originally the shang throne room had a stage fatality where you would give your victim to shang and he would suck their soul.

I was really disappointed that it did not happen.



Dojo Trainee
- More characters, no guest characters however. Also redesigned character select screen to fit them all in properly.
- More stages and stage fatality's
- More alts
- Advanced training room
- Challenge mode, like SSF4
- Friendships, brutality and superfast harakiri to prevent your opponent from doing fatal.
I'm liking all these ideas so far :)

As for the new character selection screen, in my opinion what they should do, if they are to keep coming out with tons of character DLC, they should add, in the two bottom corners, one spot that says "MK DLC", and another that says "Non-MK DLC", and when you click each, it brings up another menu of characters. MK DLC brings up Skarlett, Kenshi, and so on, and the Non-MK DLC brings up Freddy, and whatever other Non-MK characters they add. I mean, that's kinda how Smackdown vs Raw 2011 seperates things. All original characters on the main selection menu, then there's a button to bring up the Diva menu, a button for Downloadable menu, and another for Created Superstar menu. It would keep things pretty organized :p
Boon said in an interview that they would check all the data on DLC sales and the time it took to make them and see how much the profits were and then decide if they are gonna put out more DLC. I think the best solution for them and the fans is to continue putting out more DLC but start with things that are more simple like a couple klassic skins pack with a few klassic fatalities thrown in each pack. The first one was a big seller. Then put out Survivor/Endurance modes and Vs CPU mode. Vs CPU was one of the biggest things that I have heard ppl complain about that it wasnt in the game. The dont need to keep pumping out kharacters, they need to mix it up more. They already said it takes them 8-10 weeks to make ONE kharacter.

By focusing on the smaller things that will still make them good money, they can then focus on putting out more kharacters or something else like a Friendship or Brutality pack. Brutalities were already started but never had time to finish just like the Survivor/Endurance modes. I still believe the best thing for them to do is release a UMK9 with a different netcode cuz clearly the one they have know isnt working like they thought it would for most ppl. I havent had any problems with it now since the patches, but alot of ppl are truly pissed off about the lag,desynchs,freezing,etc... Until they fix the online, they need to focus on adding more offline modes and challenges to the tower to keep ppl busy.


Boon said in an interview that they would check all the data on DLC sales and the time it took to make them and see how much the profits were and then decide if they are gonna put out more DLC. I think the best solution for them and the fans is to continue putting out more DLC but start with things that are more simple like a couple klassic skins pack with a few klassic fatalities thrown in each pack. The first one was a big seller. Then put out Survivor/Endurance modes and Vs CPU mode. Vs CPU was one of the biggest things that I have heard ppl complain about that it wasnt in the game. The dont need to keep pumping out kharacters, they need to mix it up more. They already said it takes them 8-10 weeks to make ONE kharacter.

By focusing on the smaller things that will still make them good money, they can then focus on putting out more kharacters or something else like a Friendship or Brutality pack. Brutalities were already started but never had time to finish just like the Survivor/Endurance modes. I still believe the best thing for them to do is release a UMK9 with a different netcode cuz clearly the one they have know isnt working like they thought it would for most ppl. I havent had any problems with it now since the patches, but alot of ppl are truly pissed off about the lag,desynchs,freezing,etc... Until they fix the online, they need to focus on adding more offline modes and challenges to the tower to keep ppl busy.
That's pretty much what I said in another thread. I am not so opposed to guest characters. At the end of the day, it's up to me whether or not I dl/use them.

AND MOAR FRIKIN SONYA LOVE! Everyone else is getting Klassic Kostumes, why not Sonya?


Aquaman is dead lel
I've wrote this down a few times already, but I believe I should again, so:
Bo' Rai Cho


Dojo Trainee
i can tell you what i dont want for dlc. NO MORE GUESTS. no jason, blade, sam, dean or any other characters not from the mk universe.
I was really hoping for Havik. I didn't like how he played or his animation, but I think it's a character with lots of potential for wacky ideas. He's also from the Chaos realm which could propel the story arc in new directions. (Noob's ladder ending was cool).
i can tell you what i dont want for dlc. NO MORE GUESTS. no jason, blade, sam, dean or any other characters not from the mk universe.
Well, others do want them. Like Justice has said, it's every individuals choice to download, or use them. Me, I download EVERYONE wether I like them or not, simply because my friends may like them, or my family, and I'm always playing online or offline with them. That's why even if they add people I absolutely hate, I'll still download them for other peoples use.


Aquaman is dead lel
Also, I believe that the biggest reason behind Frost not coming as a DLC, because she's is going to take take Subby's place in the next game.


Dojo Trainee
Well, others do want them. Like Justice has said, it's every individuals choice to download, or use them. Me, I download EVERYONE wether I like them or not, simply because my friends may like them, or my family, and I'm always playing online or offline with them. That's why even if they add people I absolutely hate, I'll still download them for other peoples use.
i understand that. my point is we have enough guests for one game and any more guest might REALLY ruin the games image.
i understand that. my point is we have enough guests for one game and any more guest might REALLY ruin the games image.
Well, that depends on who they add. I mean, if they stick to characters who fit well in the MK universe, and people who players, if they didn't know who they are, would think they were new characters made FOR MK, then it could be fine. Like, Freddy fits well. Kratos does fit well. He is a God afterall, too. Sam and Dean would fit well, because in their show they do hunt monsters and other creatures, so...Scorpion would probably be something they'd likely hunt lol. Jason could fit well. I still don't know what story he could have, but I can picture him as one of Shao Khan's body guards, and when Shao Khan runs out of ideas, he'd command Jason to take care of Lui Kang lol.

Just as long as they don't start adding people like Homer Simpson, Peter Griffen, and Raymond from Everybody Loves Raymond, I think the game's image would be safe lol. I say just stick to actual badasses and monsters, and we're all good. :p


i got the poison
New Fatalities.
New stages + new Stage Fatalities.
No more characters, except Cyber Smoke.
No more costumes.
There's only one guest character I want, Ruby Malone from the game Wet. I would totally main her no matter what. Also Hydro and Shinnok would be cool. Definitely stage fatalities on every stage, more stages, and friendships.


The Could-Have-Been King
I'd pay five bucks to be able to throw my opponent on to one of those guys with the spears in the background on MK1 tournament stage as a stage fatality.


i can tell you what i dont want for dlc. NO MORE GUESTS. no jason, blade, sam, dean or any other characters not from the mk universe.
Well, I wouldn't mind if it was done in "pack" form like what we received already. For example, we get Tanya, Cyber Smoke (needs his own model), and Havik. Then for the fourth, we get some guest like Jason or a Dark Knight Returns version of Joker. I still wouldn't be happy, BUT I wouldn't mind that either.

Having said that, if I NEVER have to fight Bo Rai Cho again, it won't be soon enough :bombs:

Slightly off-topic, I just came up with an amazing idea I'm surprised NRS didn't. Since this game is all about "going back to the beginning" and "being Klassik", they should have put in a mode or a secret kode or hidden extra (like the hidden matches) where we get the klassik backrounds in all their 8-bit glory! :D