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What are your fighting games super powers?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
If you had to describe the abilities that makes you a better player as some sort of collective super powers, or enhanced abilities, what would be yours?


Resourcefulness. I always try and find a use for every tool, no matter how situational. Though I'm only decent, not really 'good' lol.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
The ability to find tech for a character out of nowhere/randomly and the ability to learn or adapt very quickly so I pick up characters/combos/tech quite fast.

Vulcan Hades

Variation 1: Troll Master. No one can out troll me because I'm always 5 levels of trolling ahead of them. Most player trolls are very primitive or random but after much experimentation I have managed to turn trolling into a complete art and science.:16Bit

Variation 2: Mad Scientist. No matter what character I pick you better believe I will have tons and tons of tech, gimmicks and shenanigans you have never seen before. You can't adapt to an infinite pool of technology! :joker:

Variation 3: Drunken Masher. First it will seem like I drop all of my combos and pick you up with silly american resets. Then you will realize it was all on purpose and I'm conditioning you to mash reversal. :tonyt

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Enhanced senses: slow down time that triggers my ability to recognize any attack at earliest frames.

Sixth sense: triggers when someone try to do a random stuff to catch me off guard, and i match the read with something unexpected.


Understanding. I understand what is happening, mechanics, resets, what's going through other players' heads, how I messed up, etc pretty well.

I just have mediocre execution and bad nerves :(


performing "Advanced combos" rather easily.
oh and being attracted to low tier. more of a curse that a power really.