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What are you using to record game footage?


I want to start putting some videos together but am at a loss as to what to use to capture the footage. Video editing and all that is fine, but I'd rather find a way of capturing full quality video directly from my 360 rather than filming my monitor via a mobile phone.

Any recommendation for capture cards or boxes greatly appreciated. Full 1080p capture required (won't just be using this for Injustice), ideally at up to 60fps (makes slowdown effects far smoother when the final output is 30fps anyway). My 360 is next to my PC, so I don't mind if it's a PCI capture card or just a box that records and sends via USB. I'm not interested in live streaming.

There seems to be a load of products out there made by companies I don't recognise with varying reviews on all, so I figure it would be best to get suggestions from people actually using them on a day-to-day basis.

General caveat of "I'm not interested if it costs a month's wages" applies.


I'm not sure if much has changed in the past year, but for 1080p cards, your choices are pretty much a Black Magic Intensity or an Avermedia card. I went with Avermedia because I had difficulty finding the Black Magic in Canada. The quality is good and I've done a lot of videos with it. Avermedia Gamebroadcaster HD is the one I use. It's $120 right now. They've released some newer cards that are more expensive but have some extra features. The one I'm using records up to 30FPS at 1080p. I think the newer cards can go up to 60fps at lower resolutions, but only 30fps at 1080p.

One thing to be wary of is that Avermedia cards seem to have some sound sync issues when you record long videos, even on all their new cards. Usually it's easy enough to timeshift the audio, or just re-record the part I need, but it can be annoying when it happens.


Thanks for the reply. Seems recording 1080p and 60fps is extremely rare, so I'll just put the solo-mos on hold for now :D. Seems people are having issues with 1080p60 inputs into the Black Magic Intensity, so it seems the Avermedia will be the better option (only records at 30, but has no problem with an input of 30).