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What are some good training tips?

When this game comes out in 2 weeks, I will be doing a lot of training since I'm new to the NRS fighting system. What are some good words of wisdom? How long should I train? What should I be doing in training? Etc.. Thanks!


When it comes to combos, you should be training until you can't fuck it up. Same goes for characters, learn their ins and outs like everyone else will be doing.

You should be experimenting with hitboxes to see what hits where and from how far(as well as how safe it is), crossups, anti-crossups, AAs in general and giving yourself a general idea on the fundamentals of your character.

I'd recommend heavy experimentation with meter functions too. Bounce combos, extensions, all that jazz. Finding BnBs with interactables like in the background is important too.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
play the demo on very hard and try look at how they attack and defend even just lose some rounds trying to react to them you'll improve in no time


Lawless Victory!
Use the record option in the training mode. Record your opponent's jump-in attacks (all of them, each variation and at as many angles) and run through all of your attacks (standing, crouching, jumping) to find out what beats what, when and where. Memorise them and have your fingers ready on those buttons when your opponent jumps. Doing this will help your Anti Air game and your overall spacing game.

Also, any time you get blown up by a combo or set-up or special move, record those too and figure out whether you can interrupt them on start-up and/or punish on block and/or on whiff. This will help you get better overall at that particular match-up, increase your damage output and general game knowledge.