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Well, the time has come...I will miss you all.


TYM White Knight
First off, I just want to say what a hell of a ride! Creating Mortal Monday, Life on Boon Street, and meeting all of you wonderful people has made this last year an unforgettable one for me. I recently competed at my first tournament (toryuken) and had an absolutely fantastic experience.

Unfortunately, all wonderful things come to an end, and as such I must formally announce my retirement from Mortal Kombat. I may play from time to time (mostly on the Vita) but I plan on focusing my attention to other things.

It's not the players or my lack of skill, it's just the fact that I do not have the patience to learn this game again to get to the point where I want to be. I plan on focusing on other games, and improving my skills through them so that perhaps when MK10 comes out, I will be a better all rounded player. I will still lurk around these forums and you may catch me online from time to time, but it is all for funsies now. I will admire all of your hard work and dedication and I just want to specially thank STB for having me in their family. What a great group of people.

A big thanks to Storms and all of you at TYM who supported my projects. Big shoutouts to Altaire, Snips,Shady,K7,Jimmy,Beef, and countless others who helped with the original Mortal Monday project. May fortune smile upon you, and never stop chasing that grail.

Yours Truly...



Mid Tier
the fuck??? I wake up to this after you were Babying me with Kenshi last night??? Dammit, we lost another one Ed Boon.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
It's not the players or my lack of skill, it's just the fact that I do not have the patience to learn this game again to get to the point where I want to be.
Bro, just play the game for your own enjoyment. I really think people put far too much pressure on themselves once they hit the offline tourney scene. There can only be so many top dogs. Nobody is going to take anything away from you as a player if you don't top 8 every tourney. Plus, what's this I hear about you Canucks having strippers at/near your tourneys? Hell, that alone should keep you playing.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Bummer to lose another player and big contributor to the community. Really enjoyed your podcast and MM while they lasted.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
shame to hear you're going, MM was the first public event kind of thing i was ever asked to do, so it'll always be a good memory from MK, thanks alot for your input to all this :)


Warlock Nerd
i hate these kinds of threads; seems like theres a new one every couple days now :(
Good luck brother, your creativity and management skills that helped bring together your vision for MM is probably the trait that will take you wherever it is you want to go in life. stay thirsty, my friend.


Let's go green!!!!
STB TakeAChance I dont know if I should like that kind of post or not, but it's definitely sad to see you go. Well I have you on my vita so i'll be running into you every now and then I guess :)

Stay classy man. You are definitely one of the coolest on TYM :)


Online Punching Bag
aww no more mortal monday, now that I don't completely suck no one will ever see me not completely suck. Your jade was pretty killer from what I remember, it's been a while since we played though.


I'd recommend you move to toronto, but those maritimes need all the people they can get.

Willing to bet you'll be back in a week though.


TYM White Knight
Nah I think this is permanent until MK 10. I got the vita version to satisfy my odd cravings, but I am done taking it seriously.


Never played in any tourneys and never will...because when it comes to video games, in my opinion, it should never be "serious". Screw the money you can win, I'd rather not take the gamble of making long expensive trips for a chance to win in a video game tourney. For that, I'll just study some blackjack and poker and hit up my local casino.

Been playing MK for fun since it came out, and it's saved me a lot of stress and pressure that a lot of other MK fans have put on themselves.

Hope your retirement(lol) is fulfilling. Peace dude.