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Hello and welcome to the "Mortal Kombat Realm Battles" forum!

What is it?
First off, this is not directly tied to any one Mortal Kombat game. There are multiple realms in Mortal Kombat including Outworld, Chaosrealm, Netherrealm, Orderrealm, Edenia and Earthrealm. The idea behind this is to get members of Test Your Might literally involved with the realms on a forum level. This will allow you to represent the respective realm of your choice for 3 months straight (until you'll have to renew your upgrade).

Why do it?
The biggest reason to do this is to jump away from the regular forum activity. Instead of posting in the forums about gameplay, match videos, tech or upcoming tournaments, this is a way for everyone involved to have fun in the sense of a "role-playing game". To my knowledge, there is no other forum that offers something like this, hence why we are trying it out.

What's involved?
As the realms get bigger (more members upgrading and posting in their respective forums) certain tasks will be given in the "Mortal Kombat Realm Battles" forum where all Realms can see. These battles and/or tasks will potentially be very challenging and points may be awarded to the respective realms.

Will there be prizes?
Let's just say, "I want there to be". I'm not going to say yes or no right now but I definitely want to make this interesting.

More info TBA!