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Weirdest Night Of My Life.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
I don't think I've ever made a thread, but I thought some of you might get a kick out of this.

I'm running on generator power typing this, but it has been stomach turning for me so far.

I was driving home and at a red light near my house. I saw the street lights flicker a bit, but I just assumed it was the usual deal here. The street lights will turn off sometimes to save energy. However, as I kept driving home I noticed a school very close to my house with it's power out. Which NEVER happens. As I kept driving it was just pitch fucking black. Its been storming here all day, so I kind of just figured something happened because of the storm. But I also had the whole Doomsday thing in my head. I don't believe any of that, it was just the end of the Mayan cycle, but still.

Once I got home I got out just kind of in a daze trying to figure out what was happening. I kid you not, 1 minute after I got out, across the way from my house, it looked like an aurora. It looked like fireworks without the flares and explosions. Rapid colors of green, purple, pink, blue, etc. I don't know if it's from a transformer explosion or what, but if you could of seen my face. I seriously thought something was going down. We're running on generator power now, but what the fuuuucccccckkkkkkkkk.....All the keep saying is our county's power is out, be careful on roads due to traffic signs, etc. No explanation.

I'll try to keep an update going, even if it's nothing...

My heart was POUNDING. When the colors in the sky started.
Here's a video I just found from here. You can't really see the bright colors likes the purple, blues and green. WTF. I think this guy was closer to it then I was.

I've seen transformer blow ups before, but never like this. I nearly sharted thinking something was actually happening.


I don't play Runescape
I'm really glad you're ok, but I can't help but laugh at the idea of you freaking out at what may be the end of the world. Stay safe, dude

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
hahaha It's definitely funny. I've never been that scared in my life. They won't even explain anything on TV or Radio. All they're saying is be safe on the roads because of no traffic lights. Evacuating malls, etc. No explanation.

I can't help but think it was an attempt at an elaborate hoax. It has been raining all day, but nothing that would make such a big explosion like that. No lightning, no thunder. Light rain.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
The whole city is completely out. I have internet and TV because of my generator, but no cell service.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
Oh, you know I get it, Cossplay. I seriously thought something was going down when the lights started. I was waiting for the ground to expand, and for me to fall in. I wouldn't of known it though because it's PITCH BLACK here.


Ayy Lmao
I just got back from work, and get this. There was a package that had TWO labels on it. 2! They usually have one, and then I thought to myself, "End of the world must be starting."

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
It was just the circumstances that made me lose my shit. I don't believe in the doomsday shit, but I do believe in extraterrestrials and that kind of stuff, love old school sci-fi, etc. And because everyone has been talking about, it just seemed real. hahaha I seriously thought a ship was landing because of all the colors. I was like "I'M JUST DANDY!! I GOT A BOWL OF CHOCOLATE PUDDING IN MY UNDERPANTS!"


The nwo might become more real within the next day or so to your average sheep? Nah, since this isn't the actual end of the world I doubt it. Some stuff could happen, like a copy cat mass shooting, (god I hope not) they'll just blame the messenger though.