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Weird controller issues with MK9 on steam


Kung Fu Treachery
First off, sorry if this is the wrong sub-forum. It seemed like the best place. I also tried posting this on the community page for MK9 on steam but that ended up not being super helpful. Hopefully you guys will be able to help me out.

I have been using my DS4 to play PC games using DS4windows. For those not in the know, it is an awesome program that tricks your PC into thinking your PS4 controller is an X-box 360 controller. Very handy since there isn't much support for sony controllers on PC.

However, it seems both MK9 and Skullgirls recognize the DS4 without the use of DS4windows. Which isn't a problem in the case of Skullgirls since they have street fighter-esque movelists. But in the case of MK9 thinks get wonky and confusing.

Here is an imgur album detailing what is up http://imgur.com/a/FZtu4

Basically the command list inputs are wrong (from a FGC standard button association POV. I,e Sub-Zero's freeze is D,F, 3. Not D, F, 2) and very confusing. Especially in certain challenge tower missions where you gotta be rapid fire on commands. But if I use DS4windows MK9 thinks I have two controllers plugged in which makes multiplayer impossible.

I played MK9 to death on the 360 and have only recently started back up on PC in anticipation for MKX. Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT* Just in case someone stumbles across this with the same issue, I have fixed it. Just go tick the "hide DS4" box in the settings and you're golden.
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