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Weird computer issue


Online Punching Bag
I have a desktop pc at home, did a virus scan/defrag, then started web browsing again. The web browser had frozen up, I'm assuming probably because it had been running a couple days and might need a refresh.

So I go to reboot it, it stops at the boot screen and doesn't seem to get any further, I shut it down, turn it back on after about 30 seconds. It sounds like it's starting, I touch the motherboard, it seems to be heating up and it sounds normal, but my tv says there's no signal and the mouse and keyboard lights are not popping up.

I did accidentally get the wired mouse wet in the day, spilled some water on it, but I wouldn't imagine that would short out the whole computer. Would it?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Could be RAM issue or a problem with your processor over heating. All I can think of with the information provided. Definitely sounds hardware related though. RAM and processor would be where Id start the search.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems


If you don't have a virus. Since its about to be summer and getting warmer, check if you have dust built up in your heatsink, if so clean it.


Online Punching Bag
I actually did just use my compressed air can and sprayed it out too thinking it might have been that yesterday. The odd part is the computer is acting normal, sounds like the CPU/harddrive is running, and everything is normal, but the mouse laser light as well as the keyboard light are not going on and it says I have no video signal. It's odd.


Chode Juggler
what do you mean you touch the motherboard? If this isn't a virus it defiantly sounds like a hardware problem.

Two things you can try that might be an easy fix.....

1. reset the CMOS jumper and mobo - you can do this by switching the CMOS jumper on your mobo. It should be on 2 of 3 pins, move it to the other 2 pins for a few minutes, then move it back. This clears the settings back to default, I think this will fix your problem, I would try this first. Make sure you power down and UNPLUG your pc before doing this. If that doesn't work you can also remove the battery from your mobo for a few minutes. These will reset any settings you had set in your BIOS, but thats not a big deal, you just have to re-set them.

2. reseat the ram. just take it out, and put it back in, making sure it clicks in correctly.

EDIT: I just re-read that and maybe it sounds unclear, if you dont understand post your mobo model and ill show u where the cmos jumper is. It should look like a little tab. On your mobo, there should be somthing that says CMOS, with 3 pins sticking up. The tab will be on 2 of these pins, connecting them. Switch the tab so that it connects the other 2 pins, wait, switch back, and power on


I am your god
Pull out all cards and ram. Reseat all of the an power up one step at a time. First put just the vide card in I also suggest moving it to a different slot if possible. Also go into the bios and change setting to halt on all errors, this will give you a log during boot up.


Chode Juggler
I would try the cmos thing before pulling out all your cards. He cant go into the bios if he has no display/input method


Online Punching Bag
Thanks guys, I'm not sure familiar with the internal components in the PC but my brother knows a lot more than me, he built it for me a few years back. I'll see if I can get him to try these solutions. I was mostly concerned that the water that got it wet would have shorted something out because I have a wired mouse that's connected into the front USB port (spilled a glass of water on it) Maybe that's silly but I'm not that much of a tech guy. All I meant when I said I touched the motherboard was that I opened the case, looked in and everything seemed to be normal and the motherboard was heating up like normal when I touched it, CPU sounded like it was running, fans were all running, harddrive sounded like it was spinning. Yet no video signal, mouse and keyboard lights wouldn't come on, sounds like its a boot problem.


Chode Juggler
Im pretty positive spilling water on the mouse should have no effect on any other components, as long as you only spilled on the mouse.

Yeah I think its a boot problem, something in your bios might have gone amiss, or maybe some hardware is failing. I had this exact same problem a while back ( no video, no mouse/keyboard, but system would sound like it was booting and give correct beep codes). It turned out to be some setting in my BIOs, and resetting CMOS fixed it