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**WEEK 20** STBL Show questions Thread!!


Shadow Priest
**WEEK 20** STBL Show questions Thread!!


Hello everyone... thank you all for watching and making each episode a success.

Character : KUNG LAO

Date : SUNDAY October 2nd

Time : 7pm pacific, 10pm eastern

Guest : Perfect Legend !!

** post all questions in this thread **

Thank you all for watching, see you next show!!


This question might have already been answered in the stream -->What mixups should we go for now that low hat has longer recovery?

What is the most practical BNB in a tournament setting?

When you have an opponent on the ground, what are your options to limit their movement?

This question might have already been answered in the stream --> What characters should Kung Lao users watch out for? (Basically what characters give Kung Lao a little more toruble in this patch)

Given that Kung Lao has new shortcomings, what secondaries should Kung Lao users pick up to even out those shortcomings in a fight?
Hey guys, thanks as always for the show. I know it doesn't always have a huge viewer base, but there are some real people out here who seriously appreciate your time.

1. I'd like to know what you guys think Lao's biggest weaknesses are at this point? Not against a particular character, but just things about his game that are exploitable.

2. I have a few matchup-specific questions:
a.) What are Raiden's best options for getting damage on Lao?
b.) Can Scorpion's vortex be made to work on Lao? Spin and armored teleport seem to blow it up pretty badly.
c.) After Lao's changes, how do you think Nightwolf fares against him? Does NW have anything that can mess up Lao's game?
d.) Lao always blows up my Noob game. Have any of the patch changes made this more manageable?
e.) Can Sheeva do anything to Lao now, or is she still too slow?

Thanks, guys!


Sinestro's might!
Is Kung Laos appearance and Voice ever going to be nerfed? Right now he looks like an old wrinkly man, especially his VS screen. And his weird 'bugadei' is just stupid. Oh and his eye is CONSTANTLY damaged. Looks horrible.


Come On Die Young
I'm assuming people are still going to whine about Kung Lao even post-patch, and this has made me not want to play him despite my like for the character himself. I know I shouldn't make my character choices based on what other people think, but do you think the whining will die down eventually?


Hi Brady and Silent, just got a couple of questions for the champ:

1. Whens the next tournament that we will get to see PL? It seems as if you want to keep your status as MK9 champ and dodge all the latest tournaments, a particular instance comes to mind when you couldn't attend a Cleveland tournament that THTB won because it was "raining."

2. How come no Kung Lao ever attempts this combo, Teleport overhead, jk+ dive kick, roll, spin? You could also do an ex-hat toss instead of that roll for his dash 1s bnb as well.

3. Now that you can't depend too much on the low hat, will we see more Laos attempt to play a footsie oriented game to keep pressure?

4. What are opinions on Laos worst/best matchups post-patch, particularly the SZ matchup?

5. Lastly what are your predictions for top 8 at Devestation?


TYM White Knight
One question.

When playing AGAINST a Kung Lao....what distance should you be playing at? Mid Screen? Far away baiting teleports and dive kicks? Just seems like when you let a good Kung Lao in, it can be hell getting them off of you.


How is Noob Saibot supposed to approach the matchup?

Is it around 6-4 adv for kung lao or about even? Thanks in advance.


No Longer Sh*t Tier!
Was Kung Lao ever really "broken" to begin with?

What would yo say was his biggest weakness before all of the nerfs?
How do you feel on the matchup of Lao vs Jax?

1. I find it a seriously hard match pre-patch, now that the nerf has happened do you think Jax would be more of a threat?
2. Also is it possible for Jax to Air Gotcha grab Lao out of his dive kick?
3. Perfect legend do you play any other characters or strictly Kung Lao?
4. Do you feel like the nerfs hurt Lao?


That's about right.
With all of the hate Kung Lao receives does it ever effect your decision on using him. In basic words do you ever want to pick up another character and win a tournament with him/her to prove a point?

Serious question. I struggle against good Lao players with Sindel. Any tips?


Just a slightly above average player.....
Hey Tom and Silent and Mr PL.

After this patch I was wondering what your best tools are with Kung Lao to condition your opposition to do certain things which would allow you to have more advantage as the match goes on like bait outs etc?