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**WEEK 15** STBL Show questions Thread!!


Shadow Priest
SORRY ITS LATE GUYS!! TYM was down when i made these threads...

**WEEK 15** STBL Show questions Thread!!

Hello everyone... thank you all for watching and making each episode a success.

This week we will be covering KENSHI. Tom will not only provide us with full in-depth strategy to play with this character, but also complete information on how to play against him/her. Also, we will have a guest (to be named later) on each show going forward.

Week 14's show will be next MONDAY Aug 29TH. We are going to schedule to start at 7pm pacific, 10pm eastern again.

Please post all your questions here! This makes it easier for VULCAN to find to create our re-ordered thread for the show.
**If you need to post a question within 2 hours from the show start time, please put them in the new thread that Vulcan creates each week. If you post in this thread late we more than likely will not see your question.

Thank you all for watching, see you next show!!


No Longer Sh*t Tier!
Congrats on placing top 8 at Summer Jam Tom. Very entertaining; you were on the ball:

1) I know kenshi is at advantage after f2;2;b2. what should i follow up that string with on block?
2) kenshi tends to be destroyed when crossed-up on wake-up. whats the best thing to do to get up off the ground? Recovery?


Great Bug, Great saltiness
1) Compare/Constrast Kenshi gameplay with Ermac's? what does Kenshi have that Ermac lacks? And Vice versa
2) What is best kenshi string to Punish teleports in reaction? If any?
3) What is kenshi best normal? And what his pressure combos?


Are there other ways to avoid cross overs instead of rising karma and rolling over? If so, what are they?
Kenshi vs Sub , this can be hard matchup for sub. what you think ?

Kenshi vs LK , Can Kenshi deal with pressure from LK ?

I don't know mutch about Kenshi , but I found crossover on wakeup is good option vs Kenshi?

@S1lent, I think you should ask Storm to annouce your show at main TYM page, than ppl will ask more question. I couldn't even find this topic.


Joker here~
Kenshi Vs Sub-Zero

Hi Silent and Tom
Love the show, watch replays whenever i can
I cant watch it live because i live in Australia and im pretty sure you stream while im still at school
Nonetheless, awesome show

I currently do no own Kenshi because i dont have access to my own credit card, and my brother still has yet to purchase a US PSN card
I have yet to vs a good kenshi
but after watching Tom's summer jam fight against Kenshi
I really want to know how to deal with Kenshi with Sub Zero
It looks insanely hard to get in on his zoning
What moves of his are punishable?
Is it a good idea to throw out random slides against kenshi like ermac? This way you keep him worrying so you can come in and pressure?
In general, whats the idea on getting on kenshi with subzero?
Sorry if this is hard to understand

Thanks in advance
Love the show Silent
Congrats on making top 8 tom
Cheering you on from the land down under

This is sorta off topic with Kenshi
But i would love it if you could help me with this
Sub Zero vs Sindel
Whats the idea for this match up?
I get blown up by her zoning
the only thing i can think of is crouch blocking my way thorugh and jumping the low fire balls if i read it
Sliding her air fireball on reaction
and once you get in, what do you do on knockdown
I cant punish her cartwheel, and if i just cross over on wake up, her cartwheel advances far enough that i cant whiff punish
Should i just take the opportunity to pressure?
If you cant answer this, i understand
Thanks for the show anyway Silent!!!
Hey guys, glad to have you back doing the show again. Props to Tom for some really sick matches at Summer Jam.

1. Is Kenshi's f22 hit-confirmable so that you can choose whether to end in b1 (if it hits) or b2 (if it's blocked) on reaction? It doesn't seem like it is.

2. Spirit Charge seems like a great anti-wakeup move against opponents knocked down in the corner. I've been able to stuff tons of wakeup options consistently, including even Reptile's elbow dash (both regular and ex) even when my opponent gets the "Wakeup Attack" notice. Is this a good strategy, or am I just playing bad opponents?

3. Does Kenshi have favorable matchups against any of the really top tier characters?

4. Kenshi seems to have a lot in common with Nightwolf, especially in his special move set. Would you say that they're similar in tier placement?

5. Is Kenshi best played strictly zoning against most characters? Does this change in any particular matchups?

6. Why does Kenshi have such limited combo options off of everything but f2?

Thanks, guys!


1. What is Kenshi's anamality IRL
2. Kenshi, like what is up with that blind fold is the dude blind or something?
3. Do you think Kenshi's mom was a pretty lady?
4. In a Kenshi Vs Kenshi matchup which costume color has advantage on wakeup?
5. Do you think Kenshi looks silly when he blocks? (I do)
6 This is more of just a comment, I think he would be way cooler if he had like an angry German accent, just a thought.

Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!


Come On Die Young
How do I approach Kenshi with Kitana? When I finally manage to get around his zoning, I still fail at starting anything, mostly due to his GTFO push and his combo strings beat Kitana's f2 and f4. I also have trouble trying to get in with ex squareboost, because his tk moves hit it out of startup pretty often.