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Weapon pickups. Hopes on how theyd work if in? Thoughts in general?

Weapon pickups

  • make them quick unblockable elements like injustice

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Part-Time Kano Hostage
In the recent trailer we saw there there was a sword on the ground before they started fighting.

Assuming they'e in, Id hope they were very miniscule in inportance like Cody's knife in SF4.

His knife started out on the floor in every fight, thered be startup picking it up, hed have some inproved range and chip with, but he'd lose it if hit and overall it wasn't powerful enough to worry too much about.

I just really don't want it to be as game changing as Injustice interactables which no question change the way the game is played immensely.

Maybe each character could start with their weapon on the floor, but please nothing drastic. There is also the scary chance that every level has different weapons scattered throughout (hope not).

What style would you all like IF weapons made an appearance in mkx battles?


Part-Time Kano Hostage

Pay attention to the position of the sword at the start of the cgi trailer.

Its directly in the middle and only becomes an ice sword once Sub Zero picks it up.
They said there would be different ways to play a single kharacter.

I'm guessing it won't be "weapon pickups" so much as "weapon choice" with the default hands-vs-sword choice.

I don't like the idea of "Weapon pickups", it just doesn't make sense.

Like a clumsy blacksmith walked through the stage previously with his conveniently unsecured crate full of maces and swords? And then the weapons are all oiled for some reason so the fighters are constantly dropping them. Yeah, I just don't like that idea as a gameplay mechanic.


Confused Thanagarian
I'd venture a guess that'd it be like MK Armageddon (one with stance changes, right?) in that picking up a weapon (ala interactables) let's you actually use it as a weapon with a unique moveset for X amount of hits. Having said that, hope it's not gonna be like Power character's get one hit, but they fucking bitchslap you into the dirt, acrobatic characters go all Prince of Persia and Gadget characters can't even pick them up because they are nerds


Infinite Meter Kombos

Pay attention to the position of the sword at the start of the cgi trailer.

Its directly in the middle and only becomes an ice sword once Sub Zero picks it up.
Maybe it becomes a fire sword if Scorpion picks it up?


Part-Time Kano Hostage
They said there would be different ways to play a single kharacter.

I'm guessing it won't be "weapon pickups" so much as "weapon choice" with the default hands-vs-sword choice.

I don't like the idea of "Weapon pickups", it just doesn't make sense.

Like a clumsy blacksmith walked through the stage previously with his conveniently unsecured crate full of maces and swords? And then the weapons are all oiled for some reason so the fighters are constantly dropping them. Yeah, I just don't like that idea as a gameplay mechanic.
I totally agree with the clumsy weapon interactable element thing and I wouldn't mind at all if the different styles mentioned are like you described but....

That weapon on the ground in this trailer is just haunting my mind. How he picks it up, how he drops it when attacked... it just seems like they're hinting at weapon pickups which is sort of upsetting.

I just wish if it is on the stage prematurely that it doesn't play a drastic role in fights competitively.

Maybe it becomes a fire sword if Scorpion picks it up?
Thats what i thought too.


Alone is where to find me.
I didn't vote because none of the choices reflect my thoughts. I haven't played IGAU and I don't plan to either. But I am open to interactables and weapons as long as they are done right. They can't be there as gimmicks. If they are present they must integrate fully into the fighting system. MK4 had them, MKD had them. But those were gimmicks. In 2015 gimmicks simply won't do.


Neutral Skipper
Don't want them in at all, but if they are hopefully they can be used for ultra-swag combos.

And I REALLY hope they aren't a selling point of the game. Was expecting them to keep this kinda stuff out after Injustice...

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel

Pay attention to the position of the sword at the start of the cgi trailer.

Its directly in the middle and only becomes an ice sword once Sub Zero picks it up.
its an ice sword the entire time and thats a tree in the middle at the beginning


Part-Time Kano Hostage
its an ice sword the entire time and thats a tree in the middle at the beginning
After rewatching you might be right actually.

But I still do feel the sword being there randomly in the first place is way too suspicious. We'll have to wait and see next Wednesday.
I personally love the idea of making them work like Cody's knife. You could pick up something and use it to poke, combo, anti-air or just throw it. It would be fun, it would have some legitimate uses but also be more of a gimmick than anything else. You would basically use the weapons for style points or for a little more metergain/chip. And it would be fair because every character would be able to do the same.

This kind of interactable could be great if done well. It would greatly help characters who lack good buttons or great AAs/projectile. But at the same time it would make characters with already good range/footsies/zoning even stronger. So I dunno..

I'm open to new mechanics but I don't want Injustice type interactables. It would definitely break MKX and give Cyrax 100% meterless death OTG resets.
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Waiting for Havik
i think boon answered it on twitter:

RT @MKKI_CDjr I'm calling it now next MK will have weapons like mk4 or something related any1 wanna bet? EB: Somebody take this fool's bet!
I don't why, but I'm hyped about this. This thing fits the MK tone really well, Every fight in Mk's always been about survival so anything that could help you achieve that is essential from Weapons on the floor/wall to Branches from trees.

But I could see people getting real bothered by this "gimmicks".
I'd venture a guess that'd it be like MK Armageddon (one with stance changes, right?) in that picking up a weapon (ala interactables) let's you actually use it as a weapon with a unique moveset for X amount of hits. Having said that, hope it's not gonna be like Power character's get one hit, but they fucking bitchslap you into the dirt, acrobatic characters go all Prince of Persia and Gadget characters can't even pick them up because they are nerds
Lol!, Can't wait to buy a copy of Injustice


I think it will be like in MK Armageddon where characters will have the ability to pick up weapons on the ground and use them until they get hit. Also from the trailer I think we will see some sort of interactable usage like the tree branch swing (like agility characters in Injustice). It also appeared as if we might see new moves for each character, like the pick-up off the ground move Scorpion did to Sub-Zero in the trailer or perhaps that was the new fighting style change similar to the old MK Deadly Alliance.