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We are spoiled...


Today, after more than a year of the game's release, we are shouting for buffs and nerfs for characters. Of course this is not a bad thing nor a a good thing. We are demanding buffs because we got them 5 times, we are demanding nerfs because we got them 5 times. It's natural we do, we are spoiled. I'm not saying not ask for any, because to be honest there is need for them, but is it really any good after so much lifetime of the game? There is nothing wrong with having "What if..." threads in characters' forums, but that's about it. As a Jade mainer rants are no strange to me :) In the present moment I still can not accept that Smoke/Cyrax are high tier only for having their resets, or Kabal being S tier for having a block infinite, but I do understand that at this given moment it's the reality and this is what we have. I strongly believe (because I'm spoiled too) that there may be another patch, but not before EVO2012 (MK Vita changes must have a purpose, why launch the same game with changes on an insignificant portable console?), so I say let buff/nerf threads live in the MK kommunity, they represent our hope for the better, they give us hope that they may be read and acknowledged. But take them with a grain of salt, they should not ruin careers of the mains. Yes, we are spoiled, but we are also mature, show that to NRS. A spoiled kid always gets what he wants, but to a mature it's more pleasant to give. Now, please check Jade's forum and give her some love.


since when did cyrax and smoke become good just because of resets and kabal s tier because of the semi infinite.


Kabal, Cyrax and Smoke are top characters for other reasons, not because of the "broken" stuff.


I might participate in some buff/nerf threads, but I've accepted the place of all my mains and their toolsets, I have no intention of dropping them so I don't stress about their tier position.

I also don't complain much because here's what this all boils down to in the grand scheme of things: somebody has to be bottom tier, we buff the bottom tier, someone else replaces them as the worst in the game and then other people are upset and now have the worst character.

It's true enough that this game could use more balance and I'm all for the gap between top tier and bottom tier being shrunk drastically....but I acknowledge that this most likely will not happen for this game. It needs to improve for MK10 though.

I usually play bottom tier, though it's not deliberate in most cases lol.


The Netherrealm beckons
I don't think we should be talking about buffs or nerfs anymore.

We just need to plead NRS to be more patient with MK10, and to not rush 5 patches out in 5 months. Tell them to pay special attention to moves that can be cancelled so as to avoid less infinites. Tell them to focus on the netcode, as the online scene is just as important as the offline scene. Tell them to work extra hard on fixing everything that goes wrong in the corner and in auto correct situations. And of course, the input bug and player 1 trade silliness.

And for the love of God, tell NRS to be incredibly cautious when listening to the scrubby casual players. Consider their views and try to find middle ground, but don't pander to them. MK9 has a perfect balance of "easy to learn, hard to master" philosophy. MK9 has no x-factor, no rage, no revenge meter, and no ultras. The only true comeback mechanic in MK9 is the player (and Quan Chi). Above all else, please, PLEASE, keep it like this.

Oh and buff Stryker in MK10 pls kthx