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Way Too Early Strategies for Superman


Man of Tomorrow
My way too early strategies for Superman. More than likely will not hold up in the final product, it's simply my eye test strategies based on all information I know and videos I've seen. Feel free to tear them apart. Will be edited/updated as I see fit or new information is made available.


Depending on the type of Superman you want to play (keepaway, rushdown, or a mix) you need to adjust your strategies accordingly.

Rushdown - End with his hard knockdown punch followed by a dash into his low laser. Whether this OTGs or not remains to be seen but if it does it will force your opponent to block or get hit allowing for a free jump in from the stumble.

Meter will be important to extend your combos. Don't wall bounce unless you can get a kill from it, instead spend a meter to change your breath into freeze breath which leaves them in a frozen state.

If your opponent is blocking your string then end with the blowback breath, this will make them stumble and push them back keeping them out of poke/punish range.

Keepaway - Medium/Ground Heavy laser is only to be used when your opponent is out of jump range. Medium laser is quick but has a lot of startup, heavy is a long sweeping move. Both are very punishable, don't even really need to be on reaction. Jump heavy-laser will be your best friend here as it covers a ton of ground and can only be avoided by jumping or projectile invisible things.

Condition your combos to end in blowback breath. This move causes your opponent to be blown back full screen, great against grapplers or to give you room to breathe.

Blowback breath is gonna be one of the most important tools for a keepaway Superman. It's range seems to be just a bit further away than sweep distance, can probably be used as an antiair on reaction or you may not even need to react. Learn the spacing of this and you'll have a frustrating Superman to deal with.


This is for both a keepaway and rushdown Superman. Supes air dash can be extremely beneficial to both as you can bait jumps and the heavy laser for keepaway or do fake crossup setups for rushdown. I doubt you can do a normal, air dash, then another normal/special move so don't expect ridiculous setups, just mind games. Don't use the dash too much as opponents may start to read it and Superman can do anything until the end of the air dash so you're exposed.

Jumping straight up, situationally, can be very beneficial to Superman thanks to air dash. By jumping straight up you can assess a situation and dash forward to punish long, whiffed specials (Batman's grapple gun), dash away to create distance or use laser to keep from being punished upon landing. This could also make your opponent afraid to do anything and you can start jumping in for free eventually.