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Tech Was this already known? (Corner stuff) + 36% Midscreen Meterless


Midscreen meterless is known and an absolute PITA to pull off (f22u1, d2, b3 part requires perfect timing).

I *think* pimpimjim introduced us to the Shadow-Raven-In-The-Corner trick which everyone including myself immediately forgot about, so you've rediscovered lost old tech :D. I've never seen the added Soul Crush in there before - what kind of damage can you get from a 1-bar with it? The string looks like: 22~df2, d1~db2 MB, j2, f222~df2 which by my calculations should be about 36-37%. The basic 3 (both hits)~db2 MB, f3, j2, f222~db2 (trying to remember my old B&Bs here!) should out damage it.

The problem with 22~crush is that 22 has terrible damage (4.9) and super-high scaling (19.25%), where-as something like 3 does 7.85 damage and only scales subsequent damage by 9.75%. It might be worth looking at trying to tag it on the end of a corner combo instead - use the high-damage/low scaling moves at the start and then try and work in a 22~crush, d1~whatever at the end to boost up the damage. Assuming it all links you should get the best of both worlds.

Good finds (and re-finds!) regardless though :)

edit: another good use of both of these is to make the combo last as long as possible either for running down the timer or waiting for demon stance to recharge.


Neutral Skipper
Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I was listening to Amon Amarth as I watched, but that was one of the coolest things I've seen in a while.



Well, the idea is to put a regular Soul Crush or Shadow Raven in the middle of a combo. Also a new meterless midscreen (no interactable) combo. I'm sure you guys can find better combos ;)

kabelfritz (first combo does 42 with 1 bar :p)
Mr. Mileena

Video editing is not my thing.
i cant watch it here in germany cause of the music copyright. gotta do it via proxy one day im really curious


I miss you
Sami yeah 3 as a starter is always better. I'm doing 3 (two hits) Shadow Raven, d1 lift MB, nj3, f222 soul crush for 46. You can do the same combo replacing Shadow Raven for Soul Crush for 45. Meterless, 3 (two hits) Soul Crush, d1, 11 lift 27
Spinky It's Offspring baby!

Mr. Mileena
anyone unable to watch the vid, here it is without sound.



Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Midscreen meterless is known and an absolute PITA to pull off (f22u1, d2, b3 part requires perfect timing).

I *think* pimpimjim introduced us to the Shadow-Raven-In-The-Corner trick which everyone including myself immediately forgot about, so you've rediscovered lost old tech :D. I've never seen the added Soul Crush in there before - what kind of damage can you get from a 1-bar with it? The string looks like: 22~df2, d1~db2 MB, j2, f222~df2 which by my calculations should be about 36-37%. The basic 3 (both hits)~db2 MB, f3, j2, f222~db2 (trying to remember my old B&Bs here!) should out damage it.

The problem with 22~crush is that 22 has terrible damage (4.9) and super-high scaling (19.25%), where-as something like 3 does 7.85 damage and only scales subsequent damage by 9.75%. It might be worth looking at trying to tag it on the end of a corner combo instead - use the high-damage/low scaling moves at the start and then try and work in a 22~crush, d1~whatever at the end to boost up the damage. Assuming it all links you should get the best of both worlds.

Good finds (and re-finds!) regardless though :)

edit: another good use of both of these is to make the combo last as long as possible either for running down the timer or waiting for demon stance to recharge.


You could also end your corner combo with b2, 3 after the MB db2 to setup that ambiguous nj cross-up. You only lose a little damage.