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Was PerfectLegend Ever Defensively Gifted, or Was His Otherworldly Offense Bringing Him Success?


Administrator and Community Engineer
I thought about this today in light of recent events, and it's an interesting question. Was PL ever really gifted defensively as a player, or was his prodigious/multilayered, constantly-changing offense just overwhemling people to the point that they couldn't adapt in time?

It seems to me that people who are very defensively gifted (Dizzy, CD Jr., Pig to an extent) have to play a lot, against certain matchups, week after week, perfecting every little hole against a number of characters. Dizzy trains 3x a week against a solid cast of players, and CD Jr. had his household. These players tend to play slower, and not rely on crazy randomish rushdown offense (like a Tyrant/FK-style player would), but they defeat people with high % correct reads, counters, and fundamentals. They make you pay, consistently, to the fullest for every single little mistake you make.

These guys have also been known to lose a round or two (or even the 1st set, before a reset later on) while they analyze you and figure you out; and then become unstoppable after that.

In PL's case, it seems possible that for months/years no one could keep up with his offense.. And now that some people have come close to doing so, he is prone to suffer from people who can nullify his O-heavy game. This is also ditto for Kabal players, other than REO.

Anyway, I make this thread not to flame (PL is obviously still a very dominant player), but to pose discussion. I think it's an interesting topic. What do you think?


Cold day in hell...
I think he trains way harder for EVO. If you look at his EVO Lao you can see so much speed and precision that he looks nearly unstoppable. He's an absolute powerhouse of a player when he's on point, and honestly I think EVO simply brings out the best in him.
PL doesn't like playing defensively, he likes rush down characters. If he were to play a defensive character I'm sure he will develop that skill further.
Well I think everyone will agree this particular game rewards Offensive play style, and PL is def an Offensive player. I think he has good D to though, but yes it did look like during both EVO runs that ppl simply werent ready for that rush he put on em.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Well I think everyone will agree this particular game rewards Offensive play style, and PL is def an Offensive player. I think he has good D to though, but yes it did look like during both EVO runs that ppl simply werent ready for that rush he put on em.
I'm not so sure this game rewards an offensive playstyle; I think it used to, before people caught up. But one of the big reasons that guys like CD Jr. Dizzy and 16bit win consistently, is that they are patient and blow guys up who have great offense.

Even REO, who has an unbelievable offense, wins because in the middle of all that NDC madness, he's still knows exactly when to backdash, pause, or counter and blow you up. It's like he's able to play fast and slow at the same time. Likewise with Maxter's Cyrax.

Either way, I think that the game is shifting overall in favor of strong defense -- no matter how good your O is, the game has matured enough that someone has been training and will be ready for it.


cr. HP Master
Without a doubt its because of his offensive speed. I've only played the guy online, but from that experience I learned he is overwhelming. I believe he wins because he can play consistently at that speed, but knows when it's time to hit the lab and mix things up a little bit. Look at his first MLG performance all the way up to EVO. He made some adjustments to his gameplay, but kept the breakneck speed.

It's how he will continue to win in the future as well. I'm not saying he is a fluke or has a gimmick. He is definitely one of the most dominant players in the MK scene, but he does it with his own style. EDIT; I also believe he is a offensive player driven by defense. If that makes sense? One thing he legitimized was attacking then immediately dive kicking across the opponent to counter their reaction/pokes and to start offense immediately back up.
I say it rewards Offensive based on the fact that one builds his meter from making his opponent block, while the person blocking loses health regardless of the type of attack they block. So to me, I just think the makers of the game sought out to reward aggressive play. I agree the game has evolved and people are finding ways to win with better D.


This game rewards offensive play, you get way more meter for rushing down than anything. Not only that but you deal chip damage as well. Just look at the bottom tier characters, most of them are mediocre zoners who lack decent blockstrings.