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wake up attack? landing a hit after blocks?

what is a wake up attack?

secondly, how can a slow character like reptile/subzero land an attack when blocking against a scorpion spamming 3 punches/spear. I find them a little slow and can't seem to land hits in that situation.


A wake up attack is a special move performed as you're getting up off of the ground. It may take a little bit of practice to get the timing down, but it will say "Wake Up Attack" above your meter near the bottom of the screen when you do it successfully.

I don't play Reptile or Sub-Zero, so I can't give you a detailed answer to the second question, but are you playing online or offline? If you're playing online, then it's the lag that prevents you from attacking. If you're playing offline, then just wait for Scorpion's combo to end and attack with a FP or BP combo string. If you see the spear coming, duck it and you'll have much more time to attack Scorpion.