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videogame icon alphabet

Brazilian designer and illustrator Maicon Costa has created an alphabet made up entirely of classic videogame characters and icons. It’s very cool, check it out!

Can you name them all?

(answers below)

A – The Atari logo,
B – Bomberman,
C – Chocobo (from Final Fantasy games),
D – Donkey Kong’s barrel,
E – Earthworm Jim,
F – Falco (from Star Fox games),
G – Game Boy,
H – The Halo logo,
I – Ice Climbers (ancient NES game),
J – Jill Valentine (from the Resident Evil series – we think),
K – Kirby,
L – Luigi,
M – Mario,
N – The Nintendo 64 logo,
O – Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee,
P – Pac-Man,
Q – The Quake logo,
R – Ryu (from the Street Fighter series),
S – Sonic the Hedgehog,
T – Miles “Tails” Prower, Sonic’s buddy,
U – Umbreon (from assorted Pokémon games),
V – Viewtiful Joe,
W – Wario, Mario’s nemesis,
X – The Xbox logo,
Y – Yoshi,
Z – The Zelda logo.


A atari logo
B bomberman
C chocobo
D donkey kong
E earthworm jim
F falco
G game boy
H halo logo
I ice climbers
J jill valentine
K kirby
L luigi
M mario
N nintendo
O oddworld
P pac man
Q quake
R ryu
S sonic
T tails
U uhhh....some stupidass pokemon
V viewtful john
W wario
X xbox
Y yoshi
Z zelda