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(VIDEO) MK11 Match Analysis w/ PND Ketchup - Vedra (Sub Zero) vs Killer Xinok (Scorpion)


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Like it says on the tin, this is a very fascinating match analysis with footage captured during the South American MK Day courtesy of Killer Xinok. Here we have even more high-level gameplay that utilizes moves we've yet to see used in a serious set, along with Ketchup's in-depth commentary. Check it out:

So far, I personally think this is the best gameplay on display right now. Even without the run button, the matches (at least, this particular match-up) don't seem that slow to me. It's the perfect balance of patience mixed with the sudden bursts of aggression when you find your opening. I'm still on the fence about Fatal Blows, but aside from that, everything I've seen, from the new meter system to the defensive tools, has been a hit so far. Can't wait for the beta!