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Vibes-Based Geras Match-Up Chart


Dojo Trainee
I normally don't post threads, but I felt like doing this one. As the title suggests, this is a vibes-based match up chart. Its how it FEELS to play from my perspective.

See, I don't really fuck with match up numbers as a general rule. They can be helpful, but I'm more interested in the reasons and rationale rather than the raw number.

So here's the criteria:

Sweet - It's a good match up, i.e. Fun to play.

Eh, it's fine - Probably even

I Don't Fuckin' Know, Man - Need more experience

This Fuckin' Guy Here - Bad Match Up

This Is Bullshit, Man - Really Bad Match Up

FUCK, MAN! FUCK! - Really really bad match up


Ashrah - I used to think this was probably fine back when Ashrah players did dumb shit on block. Now the smarter ones make me feel like This Fuckin' Guy Here.

Baraka - Eh, it's fine

Ermac - I Don't Fuckin' Know, Man with a slight Eh, it's fine

Havik - Sweet!

Homelander - I Don't Fuckin' Know, Man with a potential for This Is Bullshit, Man

Johnny Cage - Eh, it's fine. Unless you're in the corner. Then it becomes This Is Bullshit, Man

Kenshi - Kenshi mains in general won't ever see the light of heaven. Eh, It's Fine.

Kitana - Eh, It's Fine.

Kung Lao - Sweet

Li Mei - Sweet

Liu Kang - Eh, it's fine

Mileena - This Fuckin' Guy Here

Nitara - So I'm torn on this one. The neutral game itself doesn't feel terrible and you can fuck her up on a knock down, but when she touches you, she FUCKS. SHE FUCKS SO HARD. We'll call this one an I Don't Fuckin' Know, Man.

Omni-Man - Unless he's using Jax, I generally have fun playing this match up. I usually feel like if I lose, it's because I was outplayed. Sweet.

Peacemaker - I've seen basically none since the patch. Pre-patch though? Fighting him made me immediately wanna fuckin' die. Formerly a FUCK, MAN! FUCK! into an Eh, it's fine.

Quan Chi - This Is Bullshit, Man. What can I say? You can't use sandstorm or it's a 4 punish into some bullshit. You can't load hourglasses safely outside of combos or it's a 4 punish into some bullshit. F3 is a 4 punish into some bullshit. It's always some bullshit with this guy, I swear.

Raiden - Eh, it's fine leaning on Sweet if the Raiden doesn't play like an absolute glue eater.

Rain - Eh, it's fine. You really gotta be patient playing around some of his buttons. But it's his ass if you corner him.

Reiko - This Fuckin' Guy Here. Superior zoning. Better neutral buttons. Good Reikos just walk back and fuck with you with stars until you make a mistake trying to get in and then they fuck you. Or they just chill at sweep range and fucking dare you to press. Go on, do it, pussy. Do it so Reiko can fuck you for over 30% with Tremor. And trust me, he WANTS to fuck you.

Reptile - Don't sandstorm at ranges where he can dash punish you. Otherwise, I think Geras' sweep/f3 mix is pretty good in this mu. When they do that jab string into back dash into low bullshit; it's a trap. Don't fucking fall for it. Walk back, do like a b4 or a f4 or some shit and you'll be fine. If he gets you in the corner though, you might be fucked. Over all rating: Sweet.

Scorpion - Pre-Ferra this match up was Sweet. You can still punish that dumb ass full-screen spear shit with sandstorm. Generally, I think the neutral game was slightly in his favor just because of how good his options are vs ours, but I think this is doubly true with Ferra. Now he's chucking this dumb ass midget at us everytime we block that long ass sweep move.
Also, I don't think Geras has great options once Scorpion has a lifelead and just starts turtling.
Pre-Ferra was Sweet, Post-Ferra it's This Fuckin' Guy.

Shang Tsung - This Is Bullshit, Man. Punishes any sand storm attempt with mb up skull for a fuck ton of damage. Your armor is mediocre vs his mid string. Just in general good at punishing Geras for doing Geras shit.

General Shao - Eh, it's fine. Don't get it twisted; once you're in the blender you're not trouble. And while his s2(I think that's the button) - his really fast axe button - is dangerous, you can kinda check him with d4 or sweep. But watch out, the plus on block move where he drags his axe on the ground can be a problem if he reads the d4 attempt. He's fucked up in the corner, too, but so are you! Hooray!

Sindel - So her zoning can be pretty annoying, but you can check her with sand storm. Once you get to midrange, you can check her multi-hitting hair move with sweep or d4 and I'm pretty sure you can whiff punish it with a full combo if you're spicy. Eh, it's fine.

Smoke - When he's invisible, he's total bullshit. However, I think the neutral game is pretty even. You gotta watch out for invisibility set ups, but overall it's probably Eh It's Fine. I've never lost to Smoke where I felt like I didn't fuck up at some point.

Sub Zero - Eh, it's fine unless he's using Khameleon.

Takeda - He just got buffed, so I Don't Even Know, Man.

Tanya - I JUST WANNA FUCKIN DIE! She bullies the shit out of everyone up close, but your pokes suck so she especially bullies Geras. She can punish hourglass loading outside of combos easily. The guessing game of her string - especially with Goro - is never in your favor. She's just a shithead and I hate it.

And uhh...I think that's everyone? I'm not a top player and I primarily play Kombat League. So don't listen to anything I have to say.
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This is my billionth life cycle.
I loved playing MUs like Liu, Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei, even Reiko where you can get tons of value off of Motaro reflect by either covering an hourglass, or reflect into snap + full punish, all on reaction.

I think Ermac might be a This Fuckin Guy Here, I find his buttons really oppressive as Geras.


Dojo Trainee
I loved playing MUs like Liu, Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei, even Reiko where you can get tons of value off of Motaro reflect by either covering an hourglass, or reflect into snap + full punish, all on reaction.

I think Ermac might be a This Fuckin Guy Here, I find his buttons really oppressive as Geras.
Ermac might be. I just haven't played enough really good ones, but I can see it.

Motaro does equal out the Reiko zoning somewhat, it's just his - as Fox would say - "Little MK" buttons are so much better than ours.