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Question - Reptile Variation and Pressure Question

First: which variation is best against characters that can teleport? And why?

Which is best for those u can't?

And as far as pressure, after I do F412, ex DB3.... it seems like the opponent can just do a wakeup attack and all pressure is lost. After Ex ball, I like to run in with F21 BUT... I get jammed with a wakeup and it makes his pressure seem pointless. Help!


Bug of tater's
First: which variation is best against characters that can teleport? And why?

Which is best for those u can't?

And as far as pressure, after I do F412, ex DB3.... it seems like the opponent can just do a wakeup attack and all pressure is lost. After Ex ball, I like to run in with F21 BUT... I get jammed with a wakeup and it makes his pressure seem pointless. Help!
That's the problem of reptile my friend.

He's good on paper. But that forceball limits you on what you can do because it takes to much time to throw out.

Seriously don't do forceball enders. Use them as a midscreen set up because force ball enders will only end in their favor.

I like to think fighting a a character that's all about pressure and all up in your face choose noxious.

If they're a zoner use nimble. Even though you can't use it midscreen it will help slow them down in CERTAIN situations.

As for deceptive I don't really know. It's not bad but I don't like it.

Most teleporting characters are up in your face like scorp or Kung Lao. Def noxious. But others like ermac no he is all about space control so he can cheese you out in a vortex.

You can argue that nimble we be better against rush down characters instead of noxious. Because it slows them down (basically a reversed idea that I said above) but I feel nimble is to hard to get out some times and noxious is always there