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Upcoming alien abduction movie



I don't know how many of you are fans of this genre, but ever since I watched "Fire in the Sky" back in the 90's, I became one. Sadly there aren't too many like it as far as I know... or good ones at least. And one of the reasons I enjoy these type of films is due to the horror element they showcase. Although most likely not based on real abduction accounts, this one at least tries to portray the aliens as Greys or similar, which is a plus in my book.

For those interested, it comes out October 17 on VOD, and November 21 in theaters.


It's pretty bad, tons of early review came out and slammed it pretty hard for being by the numbers. Also the ad campaign for it is pretty dismal. The short film Exist is a better example of a Abduction movie and also Alien Abduction is a better movie if slightly flawed & handles the subject of autism not that well.


It's pretty bad, tons of early review came out and slammed it pretty hard for being by the numbers. Also the ad campaign for it is pretty dismal. The short film Exist is a better example of a Abduction movie and also Alien Abduction is a better movie if slightly flawed & handles the subject of autism not that well.
Thanks for the feedback. Can you tell me specifically what the reviewers were saying about it being predictable? I'd still like to watch it... though I'm mostly in it to see the abduction and human experiment scenes. IMO I'd compare this genre to martial arts action movies. No one really watches them to follow the story line, just the fighting mostly. For this movie though, the production values seem pretty good in terms of special effects. But acting or plot wise, I'm not expecting much.


You can pretty much predict every plot twist coming, I mean if you just wanna see fighting and experiment scenes then I guess this is the movie for you but if you're like me & want to see a more interesting story from it you're out of luck.