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Unofficial Battle Arena Round 2: Doomsday vs. Black Adam

Black Adam Vs. Doomsday?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Scary Bat
Welcome everyone to round 2 of my terrible, terrible idea that no one asked for!

Winner of Round 1 was Nightwing, good for him.
I obviously have no gameplay to show you, which sucks.

Today's match-up is the heavyweight edition:
Black Adam Vs. Doomsday

Yes, both might not be confirmed enough for some people, but if you really care that much you can always vote that I do indeed still suck.

Doomsday vs. Black Adam
Deathstroke vs. Raven
Ares vs. a cold person (or whoever gets announced)

You know how this works, give reasons, or don't, do it by who would win or popularity or whatever. Here's hoping Wednesday brings a new update so we can actually talk about stuff that matters. Instead of voting. On things like this.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Black Adam killed the four horsemen of the apocalypse, I think he can handle Doomsday.


Scary Bat
... I'm a little curious, do the Black Adam voters think he would legit win or is it more not liking Doomsday?

Not trying to be a condescending ass, I know Black Adam is crazy powerful. Bloke started and pretty much ended World War III by himself. BUT Doomsday is pretty OP no? I mean he can go toe-to-toe and trade blows with Superman when he's using his full strength and still win. Plus he is like evolution incarnate, constantly adapting etc.

Admittedly he sort of got nerfed eventually, but he took on Darkseid as well... I don't know

Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
Black Adam kills Doomsday then he comes back to life stronger than before
Black Adam can kill Doomsday any number of times but eventually Doomsday will become strong enough to kill Adam


Neutral Skipper
I like Black Adam more so I voted for him, but now that I think about it a fight between these two would be epic as all hell.


Nut Breaker
Doomsday wins. Superman is similar to Black Adam and probably stronger, plus he has plot armor. If Supes can't take him down than either can Adam.