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United Kingdom Injustice Tournament Finals w/ Special Guests Ryan Hart, Ed Boon and many More


On April 19th the United Kingdom was finally able to get their hands on INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us. They opened things up with a tournament finals that was streamed on that day featuring many potentially new faces coming out of the UK to play Injustice. With Mortal Kombat's known Ketchup and Mustard on commentary, plus multiple interviews including one with Ed Boon... this is a great watch. The uploaded video extends the 2 hour mark and features many characters in battle.
Credit: VG247.com
Source: MrVG247



Really bad at fighting games.
I enjoyed my time at the event, but I wish I had been told it was PS3 pad only. I assumed it was the same format as the qualifiers, and as I was only told on the Monday I was going - I came second in my qualifier, not first - I didn't get the pertinent email. Good stuff to UsedForGlue though!


I enjoyed my time there too although i didnt play very well. something about the PS3 pad doesnt seem right. Jay destroyed the competition, very well played.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
With no disrespect to everyone else at the event, I had a feeling Glue was gonna take this fairly free, he's such a well rounded player on pure fundamentals, but just flat out fell behind on the evolution of MK9's metagame imo, which is unfortunately beyond his control given he's never really had a local scene to explore it with as far as I know. It'll be interesting to see how far he goes given how much more is in place from the get go in Injustice.

But I digress, good shit Jay, hope we'll see you at one of our tournaments before Evo.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
Haha, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all of the matches, just lack of a better word, especially as far as TYM is concerned :p
I knew he was going to win as soon as i heard he was going there. But i did better than i thought i would since it was my first tourney and i also have no local scene.. being from countryside wales :p


"More deadly than the dawn"
Lmao Storms, you love using our retarded photos!

I should make a super retarded one for when I make my Lex Luthor tech video..