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Unexpected Witcher 3 Experience..

Might-Taro 19

by each death, we learn more..
I managed to finally try out the game which was excited and happy that I got it. But was my playthrough as fun as I thought it would be? absolutely not. The story was pretty emotional combined with me getting all the bad endings possible. This is going to sound crazy but when I met this beautiful sorcerer named Triss and saw how I really liked the qualities she had aside from the minor betrayal she did to Geralt, it just won my heart man. I was clueless about romancing her and chose the wrong dialgoues. When she had to leave and used the ship I had to forcefully repress my tears. My god I cannot explain how severely depressed I felt towards her. I even told myself " Wtf is wrong with me" literally feels like someone so close to you died and that their never coming back again. Its been days feeling grief and sorrow towards a video game character. Call me insane but you know what, I cannot help but to be myself and share how unique I am as a person. I wasn't willing to make a New game+ or new game save to get all the possible fates to my hearts content. I told myself that this is it, i can't bare but to uninstall and end the playtrhough in such a dark way possible. Don't get me wrong aside from all the sad side of things, the game was good but difficult at the same time. I can tell you guys right now that fantasy is just so much better than reality. I cannot see a darn reason for me to be longer than my age currently. My life feels like a broken favorite mirror that I used to look at everyday with a smile on my face. Now the mirror is gone, no idea where to put all the glass pieces together..
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Rip Torn

Video games can be emotionally powerful. Just like any good book or movie, they can leave you feeling depressed, happy, sad, angry, etc. Maybe even more powerful than a movie or book. My advice would be to go out and enjoy life and forget about the game for a while. Maybe try another game that's similar that will allow you to escape into a new world. Maybe go watch a stupid comedy flick. That always helps me after I watch some depressing stuff.